Orangutans Vs. Palm oil

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Orangutans Vs. Palm oil
Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
Joined: Dec 19 2003 - 18:53
Posts: 906
Campaign Picture


Jon's picture
Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
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I hate to make a point of it,

I hate to make a point of it, but they've been at this for 30 years. They are equating palm oil farming with the murder of primates. The picture doesn't have anything to do with the actual issue: using other oils instead of palm oil which is currently being used to substitute for trans fats. It's a very clear scare campaign. Even if their side of the issue is true, it's being presented in an irresponsible manner.

Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
Joined: Dec 19 2003 - 18:53
Posts: 906
Yes, that statement is correct. . .

They are actually making two points here.1) Orangutan habitats are being destroyed to havest the palm oil. 2) These fats contribute to heart disease in humans.

Yes that statement "They are equating palm oil farming with the murder of primates." is correct.

The sumatran jungles are being destroyed to provide the palm oil. This kills orangutans. You used the word "murder", perhaps that is only applicable to humans. Interestingly in your statement you used the word "primates". The number one reason that human primates die prematurely in this country is due to heart disease. A high fat, low fiber diet, and a sedentary lifestlye are major contributors to this, as is the introduction of a wider variety of fats including the saturated fats of palm oil.

The Center for Science in the Public Interest makes valid points and invalid points, like any entity. I think that the facts bear out that the points made by this particular campaign are valid. However, I do agree with your implied arguement that their emtional appeal is irrational.

Interestingly, though orangutans can't fight back when habitats are destroyed, elephants do;

"PEKANBARU, Indonesia: Wild elephants trampled a man to death and destroyed several hectares of palm oil plantations and houses on Indonesia's Sumatra island, witnesses and a conservationist said Wednesday."

Here's the full story;Click here for the story

Please state if any of the information here is not accurate, or is misleading. Thank you.


Hawaii Cruiser's picture
Last seen: 8 years 1 week ago
Joined: Jan 20 2005 - 16:03
Posts: 1433
Palm oil is one of the worst

Palm oil is one of the worst fats you can put in your body. It's practically pure saturated fat, and you find it in so many foods. You ever checked the ingredients and the fat level in Ramen? Major ingredient: palm oil. Why there's any demand at all for this product is simply lack of education and some sad cultural proclivities. Read those labels, it could save your life, not to mention the orangutans. Wise up human race, if only for yourself.

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