Liquid Cooling From Apple! Whats NeXT!

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Liquid Cooling From Apple! Whats NeXT!

If you all havn't seen it yet. The upgrade path for my aging Gigabit System has become a little more clear.


martakz's picture
Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 634
About time... I wonder wha

About time...

I wonder what liquid they are using. If its water...the user will need to replace it about once every year depending on what beasties grow in there... Even water wetter etc does not stop forever!

They could uss the stuff from detek...which is sterile...and not to expensive either. + non conductive.

TheUltimateMacUser's picture
Last seen: 7 years 1 month ago
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non conductive?

doesn't any liquid become conductive when you get, like, dust n stuff in it? I know that water itself (meaning completly pure H2O) is non-conductive, it ony becomes conductive when other stuff gets mixed in, like oter chemicles and particles and stuff.

martakz's picture
Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
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Nope some liquids are not con

Nope some liquids are not conductive. Like you said De-ionised water is not conductive. This is because there are no charged particles to carry charge and thus conduct electricity. De-ionised water is very reactive as it wants more electrons to fill its lone pair electrons. Therefore, it gains this from the surroundings, often from air in the form of C02 to carboxilic acid. Even so, pure deionised water left in a perfect sealed container will eventually form ions due to the hydrogen bonding between water molicules. Although a poor conductor it still would conduct...eventually.

Certain liquids dont conduct. I suspect that they are made of atoms which are not strongly electronegative and dont want to donate electrons to form ions. I recently read a review about a liquid used in comercial water cooled rigs that did not conduct electricity and was a very good price. I will try to dig up the link. I certainly want to get hold of some.

EEEKKK! Chemistry exam tomorrow Sad

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Last seen: 7 years 1 month ago
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thanks for the correction, i was (unknowingly) referring to [i][u]de-ionized[/i][/u] water. sorry for the error, i havent taken chemistry in a little over a year (since high school).

Last seen: 17 years 1 week ago
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So, back to the cooling, hav

So, back to the cooling,
have you heard apparently how they are going to do the powerbook G5. I think it is called AMC cooling. Basicly, you have microscopic tubes completly covering the processor, going wherever there is microcircuitry. The best bit is that you can rip out the heatsinks and fans, and replace them with a small box smaller than ONE!!! fan.

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Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
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The LCS cooling system fluid is predominantly water (80% or greater) with a mixture of corrosion inhibitors, antifreeze, and bacterial growth preventatives.

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