Color Classic is Dead?

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Last seen: 18 years 7 months ago
Joined: Jul 15 2006 - 01:40
Posts: 2
Color Classic is Dead?

I just bought a cheap color classic that, according to the last owner, simply stopped working one day. I figured it must be the PRAM battery, but that wasn't the case (replaced with a working battery). I've used the power switch and key to turn it on, nothing. I tried to short the ADB plug to force it on, still nothing. When I pull out the motherboard and flip the power switch in the back nothing happens. I thought I heard the speaker pop when I flipped it on once, but it might have been my imagination. Please help! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Last seen: 11 years 9 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 180
Re: Color Classic is Dead?

I just bought a cheap color classic that, according to the last owner, simply stopped working one day. I figured it must be the PRAM battery, but that wasn't the case (replaced with a working battery). I've used the power switch and key to turn it on, nothing. I tried to short the ADB plug to force it on, still nothing. When I pull out the motherboard and flip the power switch in the back nothing happens. I thought I heard the speaker pop when I flipped it on once, but it might have been my imagination. Please help! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

You seem to have covered most possibilities. Sad One last ditch attempt would be to disconnect floppy and hard drives and see if the CC will start. Unlikely, but worth a whirl.


Last seen: 18 years 7 months ago
Joined: Jul 15 2006 - 01:40
Posts: 2
Thanks for the advice. I unpl

Thanks for the advice. I unplugged the floppy and hard drives to see what would happen. No immediate reaction, but I'll let it sit in the on position for a night or two to see what happens.

Last seen: 6 years 9 months ago
Joined: May 31 2006 - 18:18
Posts: 52
Letting it sit for a few days

Letting it sit for a few days will do nothing. Remove the logic board, clean it up and inspect it to see if there is any leakage, etc. Maybe get a Mystix board and hope to get it to work??? It's worth the effort as the boards are cheap $15 or so check ebay.

Last seen: 9 years 7 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 354
Re: Letting it sit for a few days

Letting it sit for a few days will do nothing.

While your advice is good, I have to disagree on this point- I've seen computers magically dispell mysterious gremlins just by sitting on a desk for a period of time. Nothing to bank on, but it does happen once in a while Wink

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Last seen: 1 month 2 weeks ago
Joined: Oct 13 2005 - 08:23
Posts: 698
Like my iBook 700

Would not start, would not chime, would not sputter even if I bribed it to. I set it on my workbench to work on it later, then ignored it for a week.

Today, I got around to work on it, and it magically sprang to life. Go figure!

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