I have a CC that I upgraded to a mystic. I have 7.5.1 on it now i believe, I have some HD's that I want to consolidate to just 1 drive. One of the drives is a 500mb the others are <100mb.
I have a 2GB Jazz drive that I would like to hook up to the CC to collect all 3 HD'd data to.
the CC uses the 25 pin scsi, the jazz uses the scsi-2 cable
Is there a converter for this so i can get a male scsi-2 to male scsi 2 pin cable?
if i find one, will it even work?
I am not sure what happened to my post but its not complete.
So What I was asking was is there a SCSI-2 to SCSI 25 pin converter?
If i find one, will the JAZZ work on the CC?
Ok, So i found the converting cable.....
a SCSI 2 cable DB25 25 to HD50 50 pin
Ok, So, Now i found it,
Will the JAZZ work on the CC using it?
just put the disk in before boot, and it turns it into almost like an HDD. I got a Jaz (hacked) into my G3 AIO and i love it. Too bad I only have one disc....
thanks...great news
and formatting the disks for Mac OS, that will be easy for the OS too right? I am not a skilled Mac OS user, I am a late come'r I went from using a //e to windowz then to OS X...I am trying to get this CC up and running so i will have the classic games on it as well as the //e emulator card to resurect all my old //e games
the Jaz will be a a huge bene to the CC
Ok, So it never worked, the OS would never boot up with the Jazz 2gb plugged in. after doing some more reasearch, it appears the Jazz drives are OS 8 and up compatable only.
I have an old Zip 100 but its for a PC Printer port
so i am now in search of a scsi Zip 100