Hello Everyone!
Does anyone know where I could find a decent CSS Editor that will runs on Mac OS 8.6?
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CSS (.css files) are just text. Learn the syntax and user your favorite text editor to type it in.
There are other types of styles, by the way. You can specify all the styles for your document in the header, or you can do it inline with each HTML tag.
DreamWeaver has a CSS "editor" interface with nice text boxes and buttons, but it still just writes out a text file... And, frankly, it's often easier just to write the CSS by hand.
The thing is that I am not very knowledgeable with CSS. On my Windows machine I have been using TopStyle CSS Editor. I guess I have been spoiled by it.
Searching around I found one call Style Master, but I think it’s not compatible with Mac OS 8.6 only OSX.
Does DreamWeaver still support classic OS?
... to read this site: http://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp
w3schools.com is a good place to start learning.
Anyway, I don't know if the current version (what is the current version?) of DreamWeaver is OS X only or not. I run version 4 on OS 8/9 just fine. I think MX also works on OS 8/9.
DreamWeaver is probably overkill if you just want to mark up some CSS files. DW is a complete site management tool.
Thanks for all the info specially the W3 School link.
One more thing, what is MX?
MX is the latest version of Dreamweaver (i.e. Dreamweaver MX). I know a couple of CSS editors for OS X, but I dunno about OS 9 and below. I checked Macupdate.com and didn't find anything, really.
Thanks for the info!
I’m thinking about finding an old copy of DreamWeaver 4 for my HTML and CSS needs and just stop using BBEdit.
I read somewhere that old versions of Style Master (http://www.westciv.com/style_master/) used to be compatible with the classic OS. Has anyone heard anything about this app and what was their latest version that will run on a classic OS 8/9?