How much sleep do Applefritterers get?

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Hawaii Cruiser's picture
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How much sleep do Applefritterers get?

I'm just curious how much sleep everyone gets here. I see people on here at all hours, and some look like they're not getting the doctor-prescribed 8 to 9 hours of deep slumber every night. I'm a classic insomniac myself. 6 hours straight is a major achievement. ZZZzzz....

coius's picture
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usually 3-4 hours

I don't sleep much, since I really don't have happy dreams. Things that would scare even the most hardened type. So, i just hate sleeping. I really only sleep when i fall over from utter-exhaustion. But that's against my will, so Blum 3

EDIT: When i do fall over from exhaustion, I usually sleep 18hrs out of the day, then it's back to the usual sleep schedule of 3-4 hours. It's probably mostly from me being manicky

EDIT2: I just hit the 49hrs straight up peek as of this time (5am saturday the 28th) and I am not even ready to go to bed
EDIT3: Woot! hit the 51hr line! I wonder how long i can go...

BDub's picture
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It varies, but this month I'v

It varies, but this month I've been coming home after class, crashing for 5 or 6 hours, and then getting up and working most of the night. Around 7 I shower and head out for breakfast, just in time to get back in and see folk just getting up wondering why I'm looking so obnoxiously awake at 8:30 or 9. (At rez this semester). Sometimes it gets divided up into a nap between classes and one after classes.

I get work done when it's quiet, I can sleep when it's not. And if my body demands some downtime, there's plenty of time for it to do so.

And once a week or so I find myself up for 35-50 hours. 12 hours after that. Generally it's if I'm writing a big block of code.

One odd thing I've noticed is how tired everyone looks when they're just waking up, like it's effort or something. My schedule's a bit odd, but I just wake up when I'm ready to, so I tend not to waste a lot of time trying to get the 8 more minutes that hitting "Sleep" brings.

-random trivia-
There's /somebody/ on my floor who has their alarm set for 9 AM, and gets up around 9:40 everyday, after hitting sleep several times. Why can't this person just set it for 9:30 and get an extra half hour of actual rest?
-/random trivia-

macg4's picture
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i sleep 5 1/1 to 6 hrs a nigh

i sleep 5 1/1 to 6 hrs a night

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i get 9 or so.... i cant stay

i get 9 or so.... i cant stay up very long... even when i party, i cant seem to make it past 2 am. i guess i need sleep alot.

Macinjosh's picture
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Sleep? Whats sleep?

Played a four hour gig last night, got done at 1:30am, packed up all the equipment and got paid by 2:30, back home at 3:30, too cold to leave things in The Van (where I live, you can actually do that with a garage and actually get away with it) so had to unpack, and I can never sleep right when I get home, adrenaline or something...

... long story short, bed at 6-something-or-other, up at 10-something-or-other, and that's typical even on non-gig nights, because thats the only quiet time I can get ahold of.

6 Hours is a full night for me too, though once or twice a week I sleep a "normal" schedule if I have the time, then it's off to the Insomniac Races again. Sounds like I'm not alone from what I read!

Reverend Darkness's picture
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4 - 6 hours

I get 4 - 6 hours, depending on when I go to bed.

I seem to remember some study a few months ago stating that computer geeks get an average of 2 - 3 hours less sleep than the average person, and about 4 less than they need.

I defininely agree.

The only times that I get more than 6 straight is when I'm very ill or suffering heat exaustion. Then I'll get 10 - 12 hours straight, and wake up a new man...

moosemanmoo's picture
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My sleeping schedule is prett

My sleeping schedule is pretty flexable. I normally get around 5 or 6 hours of sleep on the weekdays, sometimes no sleep at all on Friday, and then at least 14 hours of sleep on Saturday and Sunday.

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Interesting question Hawaii C

Interesting question Hawaii Cruiser. How much sleep do applefritters get? I set out to find the answer to this. This morning, I headed to the local Tim Horton’s Donut Shop. Rumor has it applefritters are abundant there. I patiently waited in line and when it was my turn, I asked the counter clerk how the applefritters were today. She looked at me perplexed and said “fresh, I guess.

Jon's picture
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I'm quite varied. Some times

I'm quite varied. Some times it's asleep at 10:30pm and up at 7:30am. other times it's 3am-5:30am before I even start to yawn. I've tried putting my self down and laying there hoping for some unconciousness. After the second or third hour of boredom I get up and do something until I actually feel tired.

Insomnia sucks. Random, unpredictable insomnia sucks worse.

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It depends really...

...sometimes it's 4 hours, sometimes it's 14. It's usually somewhere between 5 and 8 though.


The Czar's picture
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I try and aim for 8 hours of sleep, although anywhere between 6-7 hours is typical for me. I love sleep, although I find if I sleep more than 10 hours, I feel off the entire day. Seems like anything over 9 hours makes me horribly lazy.

Although, I've noticed a very bizarre trend within the past few months: Friday night I'll go to bed anywhere between 11pm and 3am. Within 8 hours (+/- 15 minutes) I will wake up and be unable to go back to sleep. Nothing "wakes me up" so to speak, as the house is quiet, and I'm normally the first one up.

My brother, on the other hand, will sleep all day if you let him. And he's one of these people that hits the snooze 3 or 4 times before finally getting up. He's not like me, he can't just get up at a specific time. He likes to lay in bed a while before finally rolling out of the blankets. Mind you, I also have an alarm that has awoken the neighbours before (and I'm in a single family dwelling, not an apartment or condo or something). Let me tell you, my family *hates* it when I have an 8am class (and therefore have to get up at 5:30am).


The Czar

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Average 6 hours per night and some times less. I can go to bed 10 or 11 pm and be up at 4:30am. Seems like the older I get the less sleep I need, or is that the other way around??

astro_rob's picture
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To Sleep...

I average 7 hours. Sometimes, as I'm sure that those of us who 'Fritter seem to find, an idea just crops up that you can't ditch, so you either -
a.) Stay awake to work on it.
b.) Wake up at some early hour after tossing and turning to return to work on it.
c.) Oversleep, call in sick, and stay home and work on it to completion.

Last time I did this, I did a mural on my apartment wall...
My Mural

cwsmith's picture
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Please define ... ?

What is this thing you call sleep? Curious.

doug-doug the mighty's picture
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yeah, that...

In direct and blatant violation of the AUP...

me too.

[quietly hums 'Love Theme' from 'Rebel without a Cause' while grooming and trimming a Chia Garci]

gobabushka's picture
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Good Question...

I tend to get probably between 6-8 hours sleep. More than likely less than that. I've already come to the conclusion that I spend too much time on AF.

Hawaii Cruiser's picture
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astro_rob, very cool mural, n

astro_rob, very cool mural, nice use of insomnia. babes on lounge chairs getting an Earth tan? Or maybe a "bird" to sit on the ledge?

themike's picture
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its 1 AM here.

Well, seeing as its 1 AM here, and I have to get up around 6:45 for school, not much.
I've been playing with ACID Pro for the last few hours. Came up with some cool stuff.

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What do agnostic dyslexic ins

What do agnostic dyslexic insomniacs do at night?

coius's picture
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stay up all night

contemplating the existence of dog Blum 3

iantm's picture
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Weird how sleep habits change

A few years back, four hours was more than plenty to sleep. Now, with epilepsy and the fear of another seizure (triggers are less than six hours of sleep, high stress, and heavy alcohol use, usually happen right after waking up), I generally sleep 6-8 hours on a bad night. In a perfect world, I'd be able to get enough sleep without impacting my lifestyle. Unfortunately, with the teacher's hours I keep, comes the high school teacher's sleep schedule. On weekends, I often sleep in (till 8 or 9am) and yell at the local kids to get off my lawn.

Hmmm, maybe I've aged a little too rapidly, being that I'm 23 and all.

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ah yes, http://en.wikipedia.o

ah yes,

Whosawhatsis's picture
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I can't even think about goin

I can't even think about going to sleep until 2-3 AM, sometimes later. I naturally wake up around noon, but if I have something to do/somewhere to be in the morning, obviously I end up getting significantly less than 8-9 hours of sleep, often closer to 3-5 hours.

madmax_2069's picture
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i go to bed at around 7am and

i go to bed at around 7am and sleep for a few hours max 4-5 hours a day then i go to work and come home around 2AM or 3:30AM and dont go to bed till 7am. i can only do this for so long then on one of my day's off i sleep for around 10-12 hours then back to normal

kalijugend's picture
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All depends on how much sulfa

All depends on how much sulfate there is, as well as whether or not one feels the approach of unproductive stupor Smile

woogie's picture
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Sleep? What is this "sleep" t

Sleep? What is this "sleep" that you speak of?


So THAT'S why my eyes are red and my head hurts!


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Thanks, but...

I'll sleep when I'm dead. 4-5 hours a night on average, 12 hours when it catches up to me every 8 or 9 days.

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On weekdays it's normally 6-7 hours. Weekends are strangely enough 10 hours unless I have to repair computers for other people. If that's the case, it can be anywhere from 3 hours to 5.

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Between 7 and 10 hours. 9

Between 7 and 10 hours.

9 to 10 hours is my ideal amount but I usally only do that on the weekends. I can get by doing only 7 for a few days but more than that it causes my stress levels to rise alot.

What ever I do I have to keep a near constant sleep sheldule. Otherwise my stress level goes through the roof and am not very nice.

Aslong as I keep a constant sleep scheldule not much really bothers me. The other thing is if my scheldule is constant I will sleep through the night. If I go to bed more than an hour and a half late I will wake up every 45 mintues through the night.

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I usually am in bed by 11:30 but spend another 1.5-2 hours on my laptop (in bed). This is usually when I do my Photoshopping, writing, and mini vMac work. I've done this since 2001.

I get about 5 hours of sleep most nights. If I can sleep in I usually will, but I'm no good if I get up after 8.

mmphosis's picture
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How much sleep do we Applefritterers need?

some look like they're not getting the doctor-prescribed 8 to 9 hours of deep slumber every night

8 to 9 hours? I've heard 4 hours is all that we need. I've also heard that we don't really need to sleep at all. How much sleep do we Applefritterers need? Do we really know?

Do we have a right to sleep?
Is sleeping a basic human right?

I sleep less and less. As little as 3 minutes to as much as 12-14 hours in a different lifetime.

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I sleep about 8 hours

I sleep about 8 hours

iMac600's picture
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I spend most of my time clicking refresh at the 68k Macintosh Liberation Army for new
posts. Blum 3

Anyway, around 6 to 7 hours. Sometimes 8.

But it's been a hard day today, so the standard 7 hour sleep will not be enough to get me
running tomorrow. How much voltage to charge a human battery? 25000v?

(Touches CRT)

Blum 3

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0 - 8

I sleep 0 - 4 hrs (rarely 0) on non school nights 2 - 8 on school nights.

EDIT: The longest I have ever slept was 12 hours (12am - 12pm)

iamdigitalman's picture
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got no sleep last night. I

got no sleep last night.

I constantly battle insomnia, and I will get back on track for a week or two, then it comes back again. it's getting worse too. now I can go without sleep for 2 days, then fall asleep for another one.

I really need to get on some ambian, but I have heard it gives you a bout of the red nightmares over time.

*FREAKY* as I wrote about the ambian bit, an ad for ambian came on. maybe it's a sign :O.

-digital Wink

coius's picture
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I am back up on a sleepless binge. In fact, i have not slept is 54 hours, and I just passed my exams!
although, not with flying colors...
:P, oh well, it was a pass/fail thing, at least I passed (i got the max wrong without failing) I tell you, prayer DOES Help when it comes to tests :P, always worked for me (although, i was up all night studying, so that helped a bit...

Hawaii Cruiser's picture
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watchout for ambien

I just had a conversation with a psychologist last night about Ambien. It seems it has very peculiar rare side effects. There are cases of patients on Ambien who gain weight and they don't know why, but when it was investigated, it was found out that they were sleep walking to the kitchen at night and raiding the fridge. It's evidently a very intense drug. And here's another similar rare side effect. Some spouses of patients on Ambien claim that their spouses on Ambien have intense episodes of increased libido in the middle of the night, and then they don't remember it. What would you call that? Sleep...well, I'll drop it there and hope no one picks it up. The drug world is a real cornucopia these days.

Here's an article:
ambien sleep walking

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I'm Sure...

I'm sure I'm in the minority. I have a respiratory disease (long story) so I "sleep" until I wake up and can't breathe. Then I calm down a bit and drift back to "sleep" and the process repeats till morning. And so on and so on...
Oh! I forgot to say... I guess it works out to about 5 hours in a 10 hour period. (11:00 PM to 9:00 AM, usually)

Jon's picture
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Sleep apnia? My father-in-la

Sleep apnia? My father-in-law has it. He's so bad he didn't much sleep at all and he used to fall asleep waiting for lights to turn at intersections. Now that he's on a C-PAP he does much better. He still snores alot, from what I understand.

Hawaii Cruiser's picture
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less is more

Don't do eight hours if you want to live longer? Sleeping pills are almost as bad as a pack of cigarettes a day? People who sleep less than average make more money and are more successful?

Words to sleep by?

See here: sleep facts?

coius's picture
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i just read that to my mom

she doesn't sleep much.

Oh, and thanks for sharing that Smile

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