Sinclair ZX Spectrum 128

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Last seen: 19 years 1 month ago
Joined: Dec 11 2005 - 15:39
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Sinclair ZX Spectrum 128

My parents went to Syria (where they are from) and my step mom brought back her old Sinclair ZX spectrum 128 computer. I told my dad that is thing is not probally worth up to $50 and it won't sell as much in the US because it is from an UK copany. It has the original box and instruction bookletts, but no tapes. and the outlet chord is one of those foreign prongs.
how much do you think it will sell on ebay?

from what i see of 1980's computers it will not be more than $50
(i did look for it before,but i could not find it on ebay to compare prices)

Gadgetman's picture
Last seen: 19 years 2 months ago
Joined: Dec 28 2005 - 14:47
Posts: 23
Why sell it? (It's a nice co

Why sell it?
(It's a nice computer... )

It should be able to run just about all the programs that ran on the ZX Spectrum 16/48KB models, and should be easily available on the net.

Anyway, there are more than one 128K model, some of which may be worth more than the others.
(My brother has a 128K +2 with built-in cassette player)

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