This is really weird, but kind of cool... sorta.

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This is really weird, but kind of cool... sorta.

I just installed Xmac68k_color on my LC III so that I could run X in color, and it's kind of cool. But what I find really interesting, is this web browser that I just installed. It's called Links and it's a text only browser for Unix machines. I'm using it right now in NetBSD to type this message on Applefritter.

Anyway, gotta go install some more cool software on this NetBSD box. And who says that LC III machines are dead? Not I!!!

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links or lynx? on my ibook i

links or lynx?
on my ibook ive been using it as a console to just ssh into my school server to use pine for email, lynx for web browsing, and usually pico/vi/vim for text editing

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for OS X, too

Lynx 2.8.6

I liked to ssh into another box, then use lynx... but I can't figure out how to do it with the new version... they added a weird command launch, and its no longer in my path...

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BTW, for the color X server,

BTW, for the color X server, if you use 8bit (256 colors) you should set it for 8bit (256 greys) as the 8bit mode was not designed for actual color work. If you use a 16bit or better mode it should work. I don't recall if it worked ok on my Q700 which only does 8 and 24 bit, and no 16, but I think my Q800 was fine. Plus, under 16bit NetBSD defaults to white text on black. Wink

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Links, definitely Links.

links or lynx?

Links, definitely Links.

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[b]links -g[/b] might launch

links -g might launch it in a graphical capable mode if it was compiled in and you have X running.

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Thanks for the tip.

Plus, under 16bit NetBSD defaults to white text on black.

Thanks for the tip! White text on black background -- Beautiful!

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Man, you haven't lived until you've spent...

Man, you haven't lived until you've spent the better part of your day compiling NetBSD packages on an FPU-less LCIII. I swear to God, grass grows faster!

checking build system type...
checking host system type...
checking whether make sets &(MAKE)...
checking for gawk...
checking if simon is in timbuktu...
checking if simon is coming back...
checking if build will be done by tuesday...
checking if user is growing impatient...
configuring process slowdown...
checking if user noticed I've slowed down...

Ya know, some people say that life is too short! I'll bet that these people have never compiled packages on an FPU-less LCIII!

Gotta go; boredom beckons...

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To compile Gentoo from source

To compile Gentoo from source is a true excercise in patience... it's unbearable for me, the person that is so impatient that I never hear all four beeps of my microwave.

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I know what you mean...

I'm in the middle of a ./configure of libtools-1.5.18 as I type this. Once that finishes, I can make install it.

I was in the middle of building an application when it went looking for gdk-pixbuf. Well, I didn't have gdk-pixbuf installed, so that had to be fetched. That's just the beginning though! gdk-pixbuf has a dependency on libtools-1.5.18, but do you think (url escapes me at the moment) is going to work now that I'm hours into the build? No! It's gonna decide that it's the perfect time to freeze!

So, I reboot, and attempt to get libtools through ftp before re-attempting the build -- still no dice. Finally, I say, "screw it." I go back to the distfiles at and get the file from there. I decompress the tarball and type: make install. Damn! Won't let me do it! Gotta configure first, so I type: ./configure, and now I wait... Again!

Yep, tonnes of fun.

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white text on black

can you run this by me again? Every NetBSD installation I've had (about 4) is black text on white (or grey, or green, depending). Once someone at the email dist list tried to compile a kernel for me that reversed the screen (I'd prefer white text on black, looks more natural to me), but it didn't work. I know with the a terminal console, like dt, it can be displayed that way... maybe I'm confused about what you are saying...

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Nah, it works...

Nah, it works. I have my LCIII booting to white text on a black screen.

What you need to do is set your monitors control panel to thousands of colors. Or, in the monitors dialog of the NetBSD booter, select the change monitor to thousands of colors option, and save options under the file menu.

On my LC III, I also have Xmac68k_color installed and X symbolically linked to Xmac68k_color. So everytime I startx, I get a full color desktop. I also changed the X background to black by typing xsetroot -solid black in my xinitrc file.

The LCIII hauls butt with Xmac68k_color in 16bit. I use my LCIII as an Xserver for my PM7300, which is limited to 256 colors. Smile

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not an option

its an SE/30... any other ideas? I'd love it if the text was colored instead of the background

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ax0n ran his SE/30 under Open

ax0n ran his SE/30 under OpenBSD, and I *think* he did the white on black thing, but I don't remember for sure. I've got one of mine setup with Open too, but it's down in the lab on a shelf... Poor thing.

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Of course, there's always Linux...

Of course, there's always Linux.

Linux defaults to white text on black background. Plus, you get that cute and cuddly Penguin in the upper left hand corner. Wink

Actually, I prefer BSD over Linux myself. I find it to be a much more responsive OS on the 68k Macintosh machines. Although, Linux does have some advantages over BSD, PPC601 support being most notable. (Yes, it's true. I just installed Debian on my PM7200/90. In my opinion, dselect and tasksel suck! Who has the time and patience to scroll through more than 14,000 package listings? That's just bloody ridiculous!)

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