PC World: "Analyst: Expect a 64-Bit Desktop by 2006"

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LTong's picture
Last seen: 3 years 2 months ago
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PC World: "Analyst: Expect a 64-Bit Desktop by 2006"


People actually trust the "info" in this magazine?

LTong's picture
Last seen: 3 years 2 months ago
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Posts: 141
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g3head's picture
Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 213
Whats so wrong about it?

PC world has always been aimed at the "ooh ooh ooh I know something about computers" crowd, and for them that estimante is right. For now 64bit tech is for bleeding edge geeks and high end mac users. Windows XP 64 is still being tested and the vast majority of all computers being shipped now are still 32 bit systems. 18 months/2 years and moore's observation is kicking in with the prices slashed and the speed and stability improved. Most users won't look at 64 bit sysems until they hit the ever important sub $999 range with the Dell/HP/Compaq label. Even then people adopt technology they need, not whats bleeding edge. When the software that demands a 64bit processor then people will adopt until then its in the relm of the power user.

for the most part thats what the article says.

PhreakMac's picture
Last seen: 19 years 11 months ago
Joined: May 13 2004 - 11:03
Posts: 3
People are stupid

Dunno about that people seem to use whatever works. Being in tech support has made me realize that most people don't care what is new and good. I have talked to people running 6 year old video drivers! 6 YEARS OLD!!!! Another had only 1.5mb video memory! And they are complaining that our software requires for them to upgrade their computer??? Some people just need to throw away their computer and give up on it if they are not willing to keep up to date. People will resist and bitch until nothing else can be done. Hopefully this will weed out the "computer-illiterate" and they will give up.(Only in my dreams!)

Last seen: 17 years 12 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 2
If it works......

While I will agree that it is unrealistic for people to expect old computers to run the latest and greatest software it is also unrealistic to expect people to trash an older computer every time a new model comes out. Not everyone NEEDS or USES the features of either the hardware and software.

And if you are in tech support and don't want to provide tech support, find a different line of work. My day job is running a paint store and you would not believe what people either expect a product to do they have no idea what they need. My job is to make sure they get the right product for each application. It's just part of the job.

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