Want to upgrade G3 12" iBook!

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Last seen: 18 years 11 months ago
Joined: Nov 7 2005 - 18:28
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Want to upgrade G3 12" iBook!

Hey everyone!
I'm new to these forums, and pretty new to Apple. I got an old G3 12" Dual USB 500Mhz iBook from a friend for real cheap and want to upgrade it. I was able to put in a new hard drive without problems, and decided I would take it to the next level and replace the logicboard, since this is only 500Mhz with a 8MB Rage128. Is it possible to buy a bare logicboard and drop it in here without problems? I was thinkin the 800Mhz G3 (if I could find a cheap one) How about the 12" G4 logicboards? I have some expirience with hardware and I'm sure I could replace it if its all compadable and fits in this G3 12" iBook chassis.

Thanks for your help!

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Last seen: 10 years 12 months ago
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G4 boards are a no-go

It requires case modification for that. though, you can put all the way up to a 900MHz G3 Board into it. But those boards are the suckiest of the bunch. go for a 700MHz (from the 6-700MHz Range generation) and use that. 800 and over boards have a real problem with the graphic chip. I know that all too well...

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In order to upgrade ...

to migrate to an 800/900 mhz G3 iBook logic board, you will need to replace the frame, heatsink, dc-in board, and potentially top case.

to migrate to a g4, you will need the logic board, frame, heatsink, fan, dc-in board, lvds cable, reed switch/inverter cable, top case, optical drive, ribbon cables for optical and hard drive. A new inverter may be needed (unsure).

In short, for the money you'll spend upgrading to a g4 iBook, you'd be better off buying one new or second hand. If you are bound and determined to go the DIY route, an faster 12" iBook G3 or G4 with a cracked LCD, but otherwise solid is a good bet, as the lcd will work on other models.

Given the nature of the demographic that the iBook is marketed to, broken iBooks will never be in short supply, peruse eBay for some cracked lcd iBooks.

- iantm

Last seen: 18 years 11 months ago
Joined: Nov 7 2005 - 18:28
Posts: 5
I like that idea!

So going for a cheap iBook 12" G4 or G3 with a broken LCD that someone is selling for cheap will do the job?(just repplacing the LCD). What about the battery or hard drive? I just got a new 40GB hard drive. I assume that will work with almost any laptop. Will the battery from my current iBook work in a 12" G4 ibook?

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Last seen: 3 years 12 months ago
Joined: Apr 2 2005 - 14:01
Posts: 709
cross over

The battery *should* work, as the pins haven't changed from the g3 to the g4. Any modern 2.5" laptop drive will work, so your 40gb drive will migrate over easily. If you need any help, feel free to contact me.

- iantm

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