ibook g4 14" lcd replacement--use a g3 lcd?

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ibook g4 14" lcd replacement--use a g3 lcd?

Hi there,
first off, I'm delighted to have found this--it's been a while since I've done any hardware hacking on macs--I got my first barebones ti-book logicboard working on it's own about...4 years ago, & have been using a 667dvi headless tibook to drive my huge HDTV for almost 3 years now Smile I never found a convinent place to post what I'd found though, but hopefully this will bring back my interest Wink

Anyway--sorry for long intro!

I bought a 14" ibook g4 1.2ghz that has a broken screen because it was cheap thinking I'd be able to get a screen for a coupla hundred $ & give it to my mum as a present. However, the cheapest I've seen the screens for is $400 & I have seen bits of info indicating that I could simply use the bare LCD from a g3 14" ibook in the g4 & wanted to ask if anyone had any info about this.


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so try it already!

A Lombard or Pismo LCD can be had for $50 or so, grab one and give it a try. I suspect however the older LCDs have a different physical formfactor, and the interface connector likely differs as well.

What's the LCD model on your iBook? Lots of laptops use same/similar parts, so you could troll eBay in the non-Apple areas and maybe snatch up the same part from a wintel portable at a bargain(er) price. Maybe.

I'm looking forward to seeing some details of your TiBook-based media center.

dan k

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okay, the LCD is a N141XB -L03

okay, the LCD is a

N141XB -L03 Rev.C1


Goggling reveals several places that have it for sale, one has it for $300, another purports to have it for $200, but I didn't reach anyone there (it is after typical business hours)

But, no dice on ebay (searching for that model number.)
Anyone else want to crack open their ibook & see what their's is? it's really easy! Biggrin

As far as the 'media centre' it's nothing glorified like that, it's just a place to watch movies, listen to music, (all stored on the fileserver) or play games, browse the web, whatever. mplayer rocks on it--the tibook is powerful enough to play every divx I've thrown at it, has gigabit networking for fast file transfers when we need it, and it's quiet and inobtrusive. OS X does a reasonable job of being easy enough for everyone to figure out. Smile
I first used a wintel machine plugged into a 29" monitor about 5 years ago, but that pissed me off to no end (before XP & before any good video players on windows (our friends would come over to watch our 'TV' reboot Smile )) so I replaced it with a Cube, & life was much better, but the cube didn't quite have the oomph to play divx's (or maybe it was just the video card) but it wouldn't ever display a black--it just faked it really poorly. so I bought a tibook dvi (my 2nd headless tibook) about 3 years ago & have been really happy with it. It is destined to always be a headless tibook as some dink *ripped* the display off it--connector & all (which is too bad because I had a spare display). Blum 3 I discovered that shorting 2 pins on the touchpad connector made the tibook think it was closed--shorting between those two inductors is probably easier. I actually just leave it with a magnet on it where the sensor is (I have to use the keyboard occationally.)
Anyway, here's a picture of it:
it's over in the lower left area of the picture Wink

Anyway, I will post more about the LCD screens tomorrow if I can get hold of this company that purports to have them for $200. If not, I guess $300 isn't bad.


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searching eBay

Use a wildcard - the * character. Your search string should be this (not including the quotation marks) "n141x*". You can almost certainly use variants such as -L01 or L02

Try searching through the 14" iBook display items (without the quotes - "ibook (lcd,screen)") for more LCD model numbers. I just spotted model number LTN141XF-L04 as part of the description for auction #5246108891.

Also, search for complete 14" iBook displays, there are a couple up right now, one with a BIN of $200. You can use any iBook 14" display, not just one from a G4.


dan k

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Hi Dan, that is exactly what I wanted to know. Thanks! I knew I could find cheaper ibook g3 lcds, but wasn't sure--apple is notorious for changing things around between revisions... Sad (granted, this is from my tibook experience, and just with hardware, not lcds)
I don't know that much about the varying versions for LCDs; don't know what makes them all different.. hmmm. have to check more.
Again--thank you!


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Hello all again,
I managed to get a 14" LCD locally from a g3 non-opaque for pretty cheap, tho it came with the whole display assembly, something I thought was an un-necessary pain. It turns out it's not--I wound up needed the LVDS cable from the g3 assembly to connect it to the connector on the logic board--the LCD input-connector on the g3's LCD is different from the input connector from the g4... Also, the display cable and the microphone cable are bound together (to go around the hinge) and the connector on the g3 is different from (and not at all compatible with) the socket on the g4.. also, the g3's LVDS cable wasn't a very good match either--I ended up with it slightly too long and with bends in the wrong place... plus it caught on fire when it shorted across two inductors, whoops!! (it didn't happen the first time I tried to turn it on, and it was only the teeniest of fires--but somewhat disturbing that the grey covering for the cable is 1) conductive enough to draw current thru it, and 2) not fireproof! no harm was done to the logic board or the cable, and it is now safely wrapped in lots of electrical tape!)

So, the summary:

Yes, you can get an old g3 14" ibook display for cheap for your 1.2ghz g4 ibook, but be prepared to fiddle & finagle, as you'll have to take it all the way apart, swap the LVDS cables, (*after* separating it from the microphone cable (if you want a functioning microphone))

If you're squemish about doing this (then why are you attemping to replace your own broken LCD?? Smile ) then I'd recommend against buying a non-opaque G3 ibook's LCD screen for a 1.2ghz g4 ibook.. However, it seems to me to be a really simple job to replace just the LCD (you don't have to open the rest of the ibook) and worth the $300 you spend at on online retailer to get one that has your exact model.

alternatively, I *believe* (this is speculation based on looking at the apple manuals and from information I've seen from a couple of vendors) the 1ghz and slower g4 ibooks have the same older style connector, but this is *purely* from less-than-ideal pictures of them--I haven't had one in my hand or even gotten a good photo. I would love to have someone who has had direct experience comment..

I tried to take photos of the new g3 LCD, but I was in take-stuff-apart-and-then-put-stuff-together-mode when I was doing it (it took me several hours to take it all apart, make everything fit, put it part of the way back together, discover it was shorting, take it back apart, fiddle with the display cable, test it, put it back together, testing after every item was placed back on... Smile ) and the pictures I took of the g3's LCD connector aren't worth anything. oops.
I will try to take it apart & get some photos before I send it to my mum, but no guarantees.

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So did you end up using the L

So did you end up using the LTN141XF-L04?

I'm in the same boat, with a really nice barely used, loaded 1.33ghz 14.1" Ibook some one gave me, with a cracked screen......



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Nope, this was a Samsung model, I didn't write down the model # & my picture didn't come out.. Blum 3 I'm reasonably sure it came from a 600mhz 14" ibook g3 tho, as it has the transparent outer shell. Like I said, the connector on the logic board is the same, but the cable is different as well as the connector on the LCD screen itself..

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same boat as well

Due to reasons beyond my controll, I am now the owner of a cracked I book g4 lcd (1.33ghz) ..

Has anyone found a good place to buy a n141xb -L03 (the model that is in there now)

and how hard is it hard is it to connect the different lcd connection (doesn't sound to bad except for the wire issues). Is there more to is, is it just like unplug one and plug in the other?

I hope a find a replacement soon.. Thanks in advance for any help provided.

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It rather depends on how technically adept you feel you are.. I don't think it's too hard, but thinking about it, I guess I've had a good bit of experience of tinkering inside laptops... if this is your first go... probably best to find the exact (or one with the exact same connector on the LCD) as just taking apart the LCD isn't too bad, and if you are careful, you should be okay. (obviously the usual do-this-at-your-own-risk disclaimers apply)
If you are looking to connect one w/ it's cable to the logic board...I'd say probably better not to, unless you're adventurous (and/or have nothing to lose) as you have to pretty much take the whole thing apart to do so, and they aren't the easiest of machines to work in. If you're in the NYC area, perhaps give me a buzz. or rather a PM.

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Well..The LTN141XF-L04

LTN141XF-L04 IS samsung, and some claim on Ebay that it will fit the 1.33g that I have. However mine came with the Chi-Mei N141XB -L03 Rev.C1.

I'd really like to know if these are interchangable, would save me a lot of money if they are!

My only concern is the connector on the back, I cannot find ANY images the clearly would show the connector on a Samsung LTN141XF-L04.


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I have order it...

I have order a LTN141XF-L04 from ebay, and it is on the way to me now, with the lvds cable. I hope I won't have to use that cable, and it will just fit, but I am ready for the worst, to have to swap them out.

I will post back here when it arrives and I have things back together, hopefully soon.

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espa: I mis-read the model name in your post & assumed it was the Chi-Mei.. whoops! (heh, it was late) As I've said, I didn't note the model of the Samgsun I installed, but I'm due to visit my folks over the thanksgiving holiday, so will try to take a non-blurry photo of it there. (just means I have to remember to bring my trusty torx t6 with me Smile )

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it is in

After abot 6 hours, I have installed the samsung. It was very difficult, I would definetly recomend buying the display, and having it installed by someone with a little some know how. Not worth the hours, it took me around six hours to get it installed. (I have never taken apart an Ibook before, but am very tech inclined).

Good luck to all involved, leave questions if interested.

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Good to hear that it is in.

Good to hear that it is in. I'm assuming all went well and is working fine now?

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Everything is working well, it is possible to install a samsung monitor on a G4 ibook, but it takes a long time.

I would would recomend buying a lcd, and having some one else install it, well worth the 100 bucks

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This is sort of unrelated to

This is sort of unrelated to the post, but i figure you guys would know if there is a definitive answer for whether the opaque ibook g3 display plastics and be put onto an ibook g4?

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the top will work but i belei

the top will work but i beleive they changed the bottom design.

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So, what's the final verdict?

Not sure if you all have noticed this, but the web is littered with this same issue... I have a feeling royally screwed up with this display... not sure how any of yours cracked, but I just opened mine one morning to find it cracked... i opened the cover... nothing... no evidence of anything landing on it or anything... but what I did discover was that all the screws inside were all loose... so I took it to apple... the retard at the store said that it looked like I dropped it, but there was no physical evidence of that either... but anyway... no dice under warranty... but same problem as everyone else... can't seem to find the chi mei N141XB-L03 for much less than $400 USD once you figure shipping... so what's the final verdict? is there a direct replacement for the chi mei?.... excuse the typos.. i am typing on the cracked screen and can't see exactly all the letters...


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Chi Mei N141XB - L03 rev C.1 for sale Grade A= $290 Used= $250

All... I found a source in China for the Chi Mei N141XB - L03 rev C.1 (and other minor variations like the L02 and L01 and other rev.'s) but their ship minimum quantity is 3. They have either New/Grade A for $290 and Used for $250. so if anyone here wants one (hopefully 2 people want one and I would be the third) please let me know ASAP... I've been searching for over 6 months now and refuse to pay 399 plus 39 shipping to that eBay Binsky person or worse $453 plus shipping to ScreenTek/lcdsforless or an ungodly $899 to the Apple store... Just post a message here for me... I get enough spam as it is, otherwise i'd post my email addy here...

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N141XB-L03 - a lot cheaper than you think....

Maybe all of you have already have a cheap solution for LCD replacement. Mine cracked a few months ago. when I found out how much it would be to get it fixed I decided to just not bother. Recently I got a hold of some different model numbers for Lcds that should work on the g4 1.2ghz and higher...
One is the Chi mei N141XB-L03 and another is made by Au optronics B141XG05. Correct me if I am wrong about these being compatible but I found one retailer that sells both of them for New / Grade A Refurbished at 210 and Used / Grade B Refurbished at 170. I am unsure of shipping costs but they can't be that much. They will also install the LCD's if needed for about 50 additional. I was a little unsure about buying from these guys... I discovered them about a month ago but didn't want to get burned. I just now saw that they have an ebay account as well and are selling these models and advertising their site. I feel a little better about it and plan to buy from them soon. So here they are, just don't buy them all up before I get the chance!!! Ok just saw on the auction - shipping is 15 and they are in the USA. www.blisscomputers.net
ebay name : browngranite
GOOD LUCK. and remember ... leave one for me!!!

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N141XB-L03 IS cheaper and MORE

i called bliss computers. not ponly are they legit but they invite walkins (if ur in the NY/NJ area) (it also meant that they were not just an internet company). they're right next to Giant Stadium. she is east indian living in NY and the original owner is apparently from Guyana. i am from trinidad so i know what they're talking about. we chatted for a while. my country is 50% east indian and we talked on common terms. guyana is the only other country that has a perfect mix of catholics and hindus.
the "more" i mentioned above, is that, for $250, u get the LCD replacement part OR that AND installation. cause installation is free. they dont care. its the same price.
i just got done with the behemoth task of installing a new bigger HD in my G4 ibook 12" and dont really want to go thru that trouble to take my HD out again. (she said they wouldnt need it and i can remove it if i want). that made me feel even safer.

she even instantly emailed me with all the detainls. so basically if i dont mind doing without my laptop (my only computer) for a week (the total turnaround time including shipping both ways that she estimated), its a done deal.

compusa just charged me $1000 and apple's is $899 ($900).

i love this place.

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Bliss Computers

Well I never got 2 other people to go in with me on the chi mei originals and in the meantime I also found Bliss Computers, who turned out to be cheaper anyway $210 plus $15 shipping or $170 for used(for a "compatible screen", and bought it directly from them (very easy and nice people to deal with), not through ebay. So I had in my hands in florida within 2 days and installed within 10 minutes. The screen i got is made by Phillips and was a perfect fit including connectors. I do have to mention though that that visually the pixels are not as smooth as the chi mei original (no clue why), but pretty darn close. the Bliss email address is sales@blisscomputers.net and the guy that i delt with was Dave Chandani. Also remind him that he promissed a free bag of m&m's with each LCD purchase. I chose to pay via PayPal.

Note: the safest way to remove the top LCD cover is by using a Fender #346 Guitar Pick... ROCK ON!!!

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re: Bliss Computers

The screen i got is made by Phillips and was a perfect fit including connectors.
Model number please? Smile
Note: the safest way to remove the top LCD cover is by using a Fender #346 Guitar Pick... ROCK ON!!!
Excellent suggestion for a spudger substitute!

dan k

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LCD screen repair / Bliss computers

My screen is cracked too - i think there is definately some scam or Apple has screwed up with this iBook - my powerbook from 2001 has never broken. Anyway - there are a few sites like powermacresq or something that picks up your mac, installs the new screen and delivers it back to you in 24 hours for like 450 bucks. Has anyone done this? Since Apple told me they would charge about 1100 to fix it it seems like a good deal - but what do you think? Should I buy a 139 dollar samsung screen from ebay (all they sel??) and have it installed by my teccy facility for 100 dollars?

Any advice welcome

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replace g4 screen with g3 screen

I have a broken screen on my 12" g4 ibook. I bought a seccond hand g3 screen from ebay for $A160~$US100 and i am trying to install it. The main problem is that the cable going from the screen to the logic board isnt the same as on the original g4 screen. Will it work if i just cut the end off and rejoin the wires? Any help would be much appreciated.

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re: Will it work if i just cut the end off and rejoin the wires?

Heh heh heh . . . no.

See this image. These tiny coax cables ain't gonna be easily 'soldered'.

Try try try to get the same LCD as is already in there. Might take a little patience though.

dan k

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FYI: I have a 14" iBook G4 Screen Assembly

Just finished reading this fascinating thread.

It so happens that I have a complete screen assembly from a 14" iBook G4 (933MHz model - which I believe is from the first series of G4 iBooks).

Pics of the unit are on this page:

This assembly is the entire top half of the iBook, including:

- 14" LCD screen, excellent condition, no dead pixels, good backlight
- Full screen frame and top lid/casing
- Integrated hinge assembly
- All integrated cables (inverter, display data, microphone and Airport antenna)
- Screws to secure the assembly to the bottom half of an iBook

I will happily let this item go for $200 plus shipping. PayPal strongly preferred.

I have a full FS listing of iBook parts in the For Sale forum here, but I figured this item was worth putting in this thread.

Feel free to PM me or email me direct: mruben -at- critpath -dot- org


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LCD Assembly sold

The item I refered to in my previous post has been sold.


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broken 14" g4 screen, too

How is it possible that so many people have a broken 14" g4 screen???? According to the mac store, "they don't just spontaneously break...."

I, too, opened mine 1 day to a broken screen - and it just gets worse everytime I open it or move it.

I'm not too keen on spending the $800 at the Macmoron store (why so much, for a $200 part???), and am not terribly tech-handy (and quite busy being a second year medical student).

So my options seem to be spend $240 from Bliss and try to not botch the replacement myself OR go through macresq or techresq for $500.

Are there any other suggestions?

Any help would be much appreciated!!!!

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so the final verdict is the Samsung works - did you need the adapter chord to make it work in the G4??

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Not so fast on that Samsung

After looking at this forum, I decided to try this. For the record, the SAMSUNG LTN41XF is NOT compatible with the CHI MEI N141XB. I have a 1.4 G4 with a cracked screen and ordered the Samsung per the advice in this forum, and it will not (without a doubt) work. Someone posted above that they switched out the two, but this is impossible as the screen is attached to the connector and there is no way to swap them out. The connector that comes from the motherboard will not fit, and there is absolutely no way to interchange them. Anyone that says that ANY 14" LCD for I-book will fit and other 14" i-book is full of crap; end of discussion!

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