Color Classic Questions

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Last seen: 4 years 2 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
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Color Classic Questions

Macintosh Color Classic - Questions

I went to a PC computer show yesterday and to my surprise there were a lot of Macs! I bought a Quadra 840av, Power Mac 8500, and a nice Color Classic. The Color Classic was $50 but I haggled to $25, it came with some old keyboard and a mouse (witch I found out was broken later). Anyway the guy also gave me a "Mystic" board, or so he claimed. It was in an Apple box with a bunch of labels on it. "For Mac Color Classic" "For Apple Service repairs only" and so on, I opened the box and there is a motherboard sealed and never touched. The guy said it was a project that he never started but ment to finish. I booted up the Classic and the blinking question mark with the disk came up. I was about to install 7.1 when I restarted and it found a system was installed on it! The Mac was running System 7.1, with 4mb of RAM and a 80mb HD.

The odd thing is, there is an Appearance Control Panel and no AppleTalk, Sharing, Network, or anything related to sharing. "Chooser" is unusable, when I open it no icons show up, just a blank window that flickers. Also when I plugged in a serial cable from my G3 (printer port) to the Classic (printer port) the classic froze up. Also I formatted a floppy disk on the G3, put it in the Classic (which read fine) and then tried to read it on the G3 again, the G3 thought it couldn't be read. Oh well. Any advise? I don't want to mess up the nice speedy system. I have Mac OS 7.0 to 7.6.1 around on floppies and CDs. (I also have OS 8.0 but I doubt that will work) I have a old ethernet card lying around but I still need some control panels to make it work (and the file sharing extension) Any advise? What should I do? Thanks in advance.

LimeiBook86's picture
Last seen: 4 years 2 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 35
Yeah..umm I can't seem to


I can't seem to post using Safari, it keeps saying the message is too long, even when there is only 4 or 5 letters. Odd eh? ::)

Hope this gets fixed, I hate using IE, also in Safari the page looks different.


maelgwn's picture
Last seen: 1 month 1 week ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 44
i woudl just reinstall u c

i woudl just reinstall

u could try and find the control panels and then copy then to the classic but it might not work

just try it if u have the time

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