PowerBooks & Bluetooth cell phone modems

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catmistake's picture
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PowerBooks & Bluetooth cell phone modems

So I'm finally upgrading my cell phone from a vintage Nokia to a Moto v551, and I've seen some posts on other forums about using this and other phones as modems, but I have a specific question maybe someone can answer.

I don't really want to pay extra for some data connection I'll hardly use, but I do have a $9/month NetZero account for when I am travelling...

Can a bluetooth cell phone be used to connect a pb via bluetooth and the cell network to a regular landline-based dialup connection such as this (assuming ideal cell conditions... as in, right under the cell tower)? If not, I'm looking for a good explaination... seems to me this should work, even if the bandwidth is compromised...

What I'm concerned about is that unless I purchase some extra internet cell plan, that function of the phone won't be available to me... if this is the case... I'm gonna need a hack Wink

catmistake's picture
Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 1100
oh, and mobile phone ssh

I've seen

which looks neat, but its not free and requires a Data Acess Plan with access to a GPRS Data Internet Access Point, whatever that means (more money, I think),

and there is a thread here

about something or other, but I'm not the keenest on techspeak...

if the phone has a JVM, and can run some ssh, then that OUGHT to be able to use its bluetooth as a network... or if I can use a dial up landbased connection, use that...

any suggestions, info, wisdom, or links helpful... wouldn't mind running a vnc on it either, even for how silly the idea is

Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
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well i know that verizon has

well i know that verizon has 14k dialup over its cell network thats free with cell plans, i dont know about other providers though.

iantm's picture
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Cingular v551

I have the Moto v551 through Cingular. The unlimited data plan for $19.99 is all you need. You'll need to download the modem scripts, http://www.macintouch.com/macphones05.html (search for v551 to go right to the meat and potatoes). It works well for me. The speed is roughly 56k ish, but works everywhere. I've made a few trips up and down the east coast of the U.S. (from Pittsburgh, PA to Tampa, FL) and had no trouble connecting to check my mail, etc.. Though, this is barring the western portions of West Virginia. In fact, I am making this post from my cell phone connection. I take the bus to and from work, and spend roughly 20 hours of my week in bus commuting. The $20 is definately worth it for me. If you want DSL class speeds, check out Verizon Wireless's EVDO, but be prepared to pay for it, as it isn't cheap, and you don't have the same level of connectivity - it's only available in certain markets.

I'm happy with bluetooth tethering, and use the heck out of it. People often ask how I'm on the internet. For the smelly people, I say "magic" in a mysterious voice, but for the more normal looking people who don't scare me, I tell them calmly about bluetooth tethering. Within minutes, they regret asking me and never ask me another question again. Ah, the joys of being a nerd.

- iantm

catmistake's picture
Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
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hmmm... good deal

Sounds good... I like Cingular, they bend over backwards to please me... and only $10 more than NetZero, which has to run its own annoying application... I don't even have a landline anyway... I don't see how I could not do that...

but still

Why can't I use my phone as a modem to access a landline ISP? I mean... if I had a landline, I'd have it connected to my server and cable connection, and be my own isp... sort of... and what about dialing directly to someone else's tethered cellphone and having a good old fashioned BBS or P2P sort of thing? The possibilities for wasting one's time with this seem endless... ah, the joys indeed...

Can anyone tell me?

catmistake's picture
Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
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Posts: 1100

Where is this unlimited data plan for $19.99?

I see their service plans START at $19.99, for 5mb (a month I suppose)
but I don't see your dealeo... unlimited, for that price...

Have a link for that? All I have to do is find it, even if it is third party, and it seems, Cingular will match it (I've been dealing directly with them).


moosemanmoo's picture
Last seen: 10 years 3 months ago
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The plan is for the phone, no

The plan is for the phone, not for the computer. Get the MEdia NET or whatever it is they're calling it these days, and you'll have unlimited net connectivity. I have something along the same line with Sprint, except that it's $15 a month and 2-3 times faster than GPRS and less laggy than EDGE.

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