adding a MacIntel Forum

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coius's picture
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adding a MacIntel Forum

I'm thinking, with more questions coming out on the Intel Macs, It is time to create a new forum genre for it. Anyone with me on this?

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I second that motion...

I second the motion brought forth by the honorable Coius. I think that it would be good to have all of the MacIntel discussion centralized in one forum. I would expect that discussion of the MacIntel platform will only increase as the release date draws nearer and that a MacIntel forum will: a) Make it easier for Applefritter users to find discussion about the MacIntel platform without wading through reams of unrelated posts, b) Reduce the burden of wading through McIntel material for those with little or no interest in the MacIntel platform.

For the reasons outlined above, I support Coius in his request that a MacIntel forum be created on Applefritter.

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I concur...

Sounds good! IMHO the name of the current "Power Macs and Software" should be changed to "PPC Macs and Software" and the new forum should be called "x86 Macs and Software"... as Apple will likely still call the new IntelMacs "PowerMacs", and keeping the PPC forum the same might lead to confusion.


coius's picture
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Apple will likely still call the new IntelMacs "PowerMacs"

that reminds me, i heard that the new Intel macs will be called the G6. Now, i thought the "g" was because of which generation of the PPC was used in a mac?

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Re: hmmm

It was, but I'm sure Apple will twist it to be the generation of PowerMacs rather than the generation of PPC processors. The one downfall I could see with calling these new machines G6s is that there will be Intel based iBooks and iMacs out before the PowerMacs, so it won't look too good having the iMac G6 for cheaper than the PowerMac G5! Who knows... they might just drop the Gx suffix altogether.


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As for this, I thought that Apple doesn't pay royalties often, and Pontiac owns the rights...

BDub's picture
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And he spread his hands over Applefritter, and with a burst of database manipulatory goodness, he said "Let There Be Forum".

And it had better be good.

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» $goal_in_life = "Write Code. Listen To Music. Be Happy.";

What? Nothing about girls in your life goals? You must already be married. Blum 3

My goal in life is to retire wealthy (without working), listen to music, move to some desolate place where I'll not be disturbed by anyone, and spend my days hacking away on my new Macintosh computers. It'll probably be Intel based Macs cuz I'm on the Freedom 35 plan and I'm only 33 years of age at the present.

Me, my tunes, my Macintosh, and my dogs... What more could a gay loner want? Ah, yes, a superfast internet connection and an Applfritter forum to call home. Smile

Jon's picture
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Girls would go under the "Be

Girls would go under the "Be Happy" heading. Sometimes it's just nice to have someone to share life with, even if there are times when you just want to be left alone.

Sometimes that "Be Happy" is getting something accomplished too. I just did a set of brake shoes and parking brake cables on a new (to me) car, which involved much time spent figuring out what I was doing. It was frustrating at times, and at one point it was 98% finished, but I didn't know how to get it to 100%. I eventually found out how, but it was maddening that it wouldn't Just Work(tm). Girls, Sos, or whathaveyous do the same thing most of the time. They take work, frustration, and understanding but in the end are so totally worth it.

Oh, and the new sub-forum sounds like a great thing.

Last seen: 19 years 4 days ago
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Posts: 595
I agree totally!

Sometimes that "Be Happy" is getting something accomplished too. I just did a set of brake shoes and parking brake cables on a new (to me) car, which involved much time spent figuring out what I was doing. It was frustrating at times, and at one point it was 98% finished, but I didn't know how to get it to 100%. I eventually found out how, but it was maddening that it wouldn't Just Work(tm). Girls, Sos, or whathaveyous do the same thing most of the time. They take work, frustration, and understanding but in the end are so totally worth it.

I agree with you that accomplishing something can be quite rewarding. Accomplishing something that you never thought you'd be able to do, or never knew how to do, can be very rewarding indeed.

I decided to quit smoking last night and am currently closing in on my first day of being a non-smoker. I have found new determination to go after those people that have infringed my rights and to see that they are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and sued to the fullest extent of their net worth.

The girl thing, though, I disagree on. I could never understand why guys would put so much effort into getting a girl... I dunno I always thought the whole courtship/dating/whatever thing was quite ridiculous. Of course this is just my personal perspective on the subject and I would not expect any other person to adopt my perspective on this matter.

Boys will be boys, girls will be girls, and M.R., after 33 years, remains uninterested in the latter. Blum 3

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Grey squirrel to red fox

[edit]Hey mods, please feel free to delete my post here, thank you.[/edit]

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mac my day

hey vantage point, i need to be your friend!

contact me:

thank you!! xo

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He no longer comes here AFWK and The Lost Chronicles of Sarnia are sketchy as to his last cybersighting.


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