Does anyone know how to hook a powerbook 190cs up to broadband over a network i just can't figure out how to do the ip options or can i download software over computer which is on the internet to make it detect options to go on the internet
i'm running System 6.5.5 and have all the necessery gear to make it work
hooking a powerbook 190cs to the internet
July 31, 2005 - 12:22am
hooking a powerbook 190cs to the internet
and 2, you might find it easier to update to 8.0/.1. It has better handling than 7.5
It is easier to set up ethernet connections on 8 than 7
to do 8, you will need the CD, and a SCSI CD-Rom, and SCSI PB 50-pin Adaptar to DB-25
when you find yourself in the company of a halfling and an ill-tempered dragon, remember, you do not have to outrun the dragon...
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I do have system 8 and 8.1 update disc but i don't have enough memory. OS 8 requires 12mb and my machine only has 8mb and and i have a scsi cd rom but i don't have a SCSI PB 50-pin Adaptar to DB-25 any ideas where i could get both of them
are you using ethernet to do this?
give me about an hour, i will load up basisk ][ and install a virtual OS 7.5.5 to check into this further,
when you find yourself in the company of a halfling and an ill-tempered dragon, remember, you do not have to outrun the dragon...
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Yes i am using Ethernet. do you mean Basilisk? because i'm trying to find a good webpage that has it. all of webpages i've checked seemed to lead to and that webpage is gone. do you know where i can get for windows 2000?
your on windows?
you might want to go to this page:
if you are trying to do this with windows, good luck
I would suggest having a macintosh before even working on this
you may be able to find one at a school that uses them in the library
when you find yourself in the company of a halfling and an ill-tempered dragon, remember, you do not have to outrun the dragon...
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since you saying your on windows i'm asuming that you're running a version of linux to run basilisk or running mac os X
have you got any favourite linux distro for a pc so i can put on the linux version of basilisk on.
At the moment i'm probably looking at Ubuntu or redhat 9.0. or did you mean to get a utility to detect the network setings.
Have you tried softpc?. it's the only emulator for windows i have found. it's ok i suppose once I get it going i'm going to test out OS 8 and see if that works better.
I use Ubuntu (i ordered their cd's 2 weeks ago and still haven't received them yet *Grrrr* oh well, i had broadband), Windows 2K AND OS X. Ubuntu is a good choice. I won't even touch Redhat as to how slow it is. What i really mean, is that using a PC to work with floppies for macs are a bit hard. You will need macopenerXP. That allows you to read mac disks.
what you need to do first, is download the System 7 boot disk. if you are using windows, you will need to turn on appletalk. The easiest thing you can do, is link your PC to the PB 190 with ethernet. use the network access disk, and connect to a server your gonna setup on the PC.
you will then connect to the pc drive over the network, and download the 7.5.5 update from a folder on the PC (you will most likely want the system images on the root of the windows.
I really wouldn't recommend using linux to do this, but it is harder to do that, as i don't think the network access disk reads *nix directly. So most likely, you will need to set up a local intranet (not internet) FTP server on the linx.
the reason i am describing this, is that since you don't have a cd-rom you can connect the PC to, it makes it very difficult.
it may be less hassle to get a PB 50-pn to DB-25 adapter and SCSI Case of ebay, and throw a scsi cd-rom in the case. Then you can put os 8 on it. it will be more up to date that way.
and it comes with a webbrowser on the 8m disk
so, if you don't want to do a lot of work, just get the extra tools. It will save you from pulling out some of your hair..
Did you mean turning on the appletalk protocol that windows has or an 3rd party protocol windows protocol claims it needs 2k sever to run. by the way the scsi cd rom is external. The way i installed apps on my 190 was through a lc 575 and it's internal cd rom (slow) but it works
if you said you had an LC575, it would've helped. You should just burn the files to cd (pref ISO 9660)(ISO1 or ISO2 in the burner app below) using this:
that is freeware as open source also.
just burn the update files to the cd, pop the cd into the CD on the lc, and use that to transfer it.
also, you might want to find a web browser that will work with 7.5
I will look around for a bit after this post, and see if i can find a browser that will work for you..
EDIT: better yet, if you have a mac with a burner that works with the burner app in OS 9 or X, just use that.
also one that is still in developement for the 68k (AFAIK)
there's also netscape. the precursor to mozilla. you will have to find a version 4.0.1 or something.
I strongly reccomend against IE (if they make one for 68k) It would be dog slow. Your best bet it icab
i think i'll go for icab although i have ie 4 68k my mac.
is icab one of those text only browsers?
but it think it does pics and style-sheet layouts too
Im pretty sure it is a full web browser
Would Nero 6 work for burning mac format cds?
Today i was fiddling with the network settings and i got the internet going on the pb 190cs running ie4 next i'll download icab
i know where to get basilisk II