PB 100

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Joined: Aug 15 2004 - 19:24
Posts: 359
PB 100


I'm working on getting a PB 100 back to life. Li'l guy is doing just fine except for its power connector. It's got a wobble so the power cuts on and off. So what I'm thinking is snipping the connector off the AC adapter cable and soldering the leads directly to the correct power points inside the case. Is this a dumb idea? Am I overlooking a simpler solution? Thanks . . .

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can you track down an identicle one

if it is just a post connector, take it to radioshack, and see if they can fix you up with an identicle one.

Last seen: 19 years 4 months ago
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Radio Shack?


Thanks for the response but there isn't anything wrong with the connector or the receptacle. You think if I replace the receptacle on the mobo that will solve the problem?

Last seen: 19 years 2 weeks ago
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Don't know if you're overlook

Don't know if you're overlooking a simple solution, but I have a bunch of PB parts kicking around that might be of use to you.

I have three PB power supplies, and three power boards (?) from PB 140 and 150's...

I'm hoping to get a complete inventory of stuff on my website by this weekend... Got lots of junk that will probably be heading to the landfill very soon.

Last seen: 19 years 4 months ago
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Posts: 359
PB power supplies?


Talk to me about that. Got a list? I have serious interest.


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Last seen: 11 years 3 days ago
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Power Connector Wobble

I've got a PB 100 that had a similar problem; with the PS plugged in you had to hold the cable at a certain angle to get it to work. The problem turned out to be fairly simple... the connector's solder points on the circuit board inside had come loose, probably from too much jerking on the cable over the years. I resoldered them and it's been working great for a couple of years now (although I don't use it a lot anymore.)

I think I may have used a probe to tweak the metal contacts on the connector as well, to get it to grip the plug a little tighter.

I'd give that a shot before you do anything drastic.

Last seen: 19 years 4 months ago
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Posts: 359
Darn . . .

. . . I love drastic. So what you did was resoldered the contacts on the bottom of the mobo? Hmmm. I had considered that but I will pull it apart again and give it a try. One thing I like about the PB 100 is how easy it is to work in and on. No torx screws, just philips, screen comes off as a total unit, few screws. It's really well designed.

Last seen: 19 years 4 months ago
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Posts: 359
That darn PB 100


I de- and re-soldered the power connector on the mobo. Funny thing about these old machines: it's the Roseann Rosanna Danna syndrome. If it isn't one thing, it's something else. So after the soldering it lit up just fine and stays lit but it won't boot. Utter silence. So I stripped it down again. Twice. Now I'm getting the chimes of doom. Never thought that would be a good sign. Little by little this bugger will work . . .

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Last seen: 11 years 3 days ago
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Sorry I missed your last post, and sorry it's not booting now. Have you tried re-seating the memory? Tweaking on the SCSI cable a bit? I'd go through and reseat anything not soldered to the board and hit any reset button you can find. Also, is the logic board good & clean or did it maybe pick something up from your work surface (mine is usually the carpet in the family room!) that is acting as a semiconductor between two parts that shouldn't be connected?

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Posts: 359
de- re-seating


Yeah, I pulled everything that wasn't nailed down. I don't think a loose or misconnected SCSI cable will produce the chimes of doom. More likely a "?". Tonight I'm going to try it with just the 1 MB built-in memory after pulling and reseating yet again. It's a nice little machine. Very easy to work on compared to the Duos from hell that I've been inside and numerous other Mac laptops. I just think that it's funny that it's *always* something else . . .

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