Dead iMac DV...any ideas?

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Dead iMac DV...any ideas?
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My sister's blueberry iMac DV (the first generation of the slot-loaders) died today, just before I drove down to see my family for Father's Day. She said it had randomly shut off every once in a while over the course of the past month, and just a couple days ago the screen image would jitter horizontally by a few pixels. She said that today before it shut itself off for the last time it started to smell really bad.

So of course it's the analog board that's toast. But while I had the machine apart to test components (motherboard, drives, RAM, etc, to see what was salvageable), some small brown plastic pieces fell out. I popped the shell off the top and took a quick look at the analog board and couldn't see anything amiss (at least not obviously so), but I didn't pull off the video board at the back of the CRT.

Anyway, here are the pieces that fell out:


Any ideas as to what those pieces are from? It's mostly curiosity; I might try to find a replacement analog board, but I'll more likely attempt an ATX hack (a local store has a slick little mini ATX desktop case for $50 that I've had my eye on).

herrhanz's picture
Last seen: 6 years 3 weeks ago
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imac DV

It looks like those pieces are comming from the crt. So an ATX hack would be no problem.


Last seen: 18 years 5 months ago
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Dunno if it helps...

At work a few weeks ago some similar pieces fell out of a well-cooked(ie stinky) eMac, and the majority of bits left inside it were around the flyback transformer. Not the flyback, but something near it.

iantm's picture
Last seen: 4 years 4 days ago
Joined: Apr 2 2005 - 14:01
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Those bits

Yeah, I've seen those before. I was told by someone within Apple that that is glue that was on the flyback of the crt that gave from expansion from hot-cold, and that it isn't an issue. My fiancee's iMac DV400 had the same thing, as did my downstairs neighbor, with another DV400. I really like that chassis. Granted the occasional video board failure is kinda crap, but they were more prevalent in Florida than up here in PA.


iantm's picture
Last seen: 4 years 4 days ago
Joined: Apr 2 2005 - 14:01
Posts: 709
Those bits

Yeah, I've seen those before. I was told by someone within Apple that that is glue that was on the flyback of the crt that gave from expansion from hot-cold, and that it isn't an issue. My fiancee's iMac DV400 had the same thing, as did my downstairs neighbor, with another DV400. I really like that chassis. Granted the occasional video board failure is kinda crap, but they were more prevalent in Florida than up here in PA.


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