What's going on with Charter?. . .and DLink?. . . and iBook?

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Last seen: 17 years 8 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 118
What's going on with Charter?. . .and DLink?. . . and iBook?

It might just be the weather, but Charter Communications High Speed (tm) is really messing up. Here's the setup:

Cable Modem (AT&T)--->D-Link Router---> D-Link wireless adaptor OR:

CABLE modem-->Router--->Switch---> iBook.

PROBLEM: It might just be the cables, but the iBook fails to see anything coming in and out of the ethernet cable. No biggie, I've got wireless, right?

Bad engineering has it that any usb-bus powered device should heat up to no less than the surface of the sun, and have it's casing break off. Yes, it's still functional, thanks to the duct tape holding the usb plug on, but half of the plug is snapped off. At the same time, even though I have the "updated" driver, it freezes, cuts off my connection, and makes it so that the entire right side of the toolbar (with the wireless status, battery, and clock) disappear. Also, the Network Utility fails to load at random times.

Does anyone have HALF A CLUE what the (insert verb here) is going on?

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Last seen: 13 years 3 months ago
Joined: Jul 21 2004 - 19:33
Posts: 455
You wouldn't happen to have a

You wouldn't happen to have a D-Link DWL-122, would you?

Last seen: 17 years 8 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 118

Damn! I knew that was it!

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Last seen: 13 years 3 months ago
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Posts: 455
I have one too. Its so ridulo

I have one too. Its so ridulously bad...I can't stay connected for more than about 3 minutes at a time.

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Posts: 89

I had a similar problem a year or so ago. After I returned the USB adapter I learned that there was an open source driver that would run the adapter under OS X. You'll have to search around SourceForge for it, but as of a year ago they supported this adapter and OS X with good results. I think DLINK's hardware is adequate, their software just sucks.


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Last seen: 13 years 3 months ago
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Posts: 455
Does anyone know of an altern

Does anyone know of an alternative driver/software controller that runs in XP? I've found a lot of info for using the DWL-122 with alternative drivers under Mac OS and Linux, but nothing for windows. Any suggestions?

Last seen: 17 years 8 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 118

I found out the big problem with the adaptor: the five solder points that hold the USB plug onto the pcb HAD BROKEN OFF. So I resoldered, and used a usb extension cable so this wouldn't happen again.

Ten minutes later, while watching "The Llama song," the screen froze, turned white, and shut off. It wouldn't start up again. Called into Apple, they're going to replace the mobo under the Logic board componant failure replacement plan.

Does this mean I get a G4?

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