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xp taxes the video card too much with it's special effects. And since win 2k doesn't have all those "extras" that MS included with xp, the video card produces more frame rates, and doesn't require as much memory to run the system. I have tried XP on my machine, and noticed a 15% decrease in the frame rate, just because XP require too much memory from the main board, and the Video card
also with xp, turning off all the effects helps ALOT, changing it back to the "classic" view, it ends up being alot like 2k with some more features.
well an update to my most tricked out rig.
From school i got a base 700 mhz ibook that had been dropped, I replaced the case and display and put in a DVD drive and a 40 gig hd. All parts from other scrapped parts i had laying around. So it is now the one i have done the most modifications to. Will probably take clear case parts from an older ibook and use those painted as this is one with the opaque plastics.
For most of the newer games I have I use XP Pro on my Sempron 2200.
For the older ones, some will work on 2000 or XP, others will only work on 95/98. For this I use another computer:
160 MB RAM
ATI Rage 128 AGP video card with 16MB VRAM
Voodoo 2 PCI card for those games that only support GLIDE
Ensoniq ES1370 PCI sound card
3Com 10/100 PCI network card
Floppy drive
CD-ROM drive
Removable Hard drive bay
Drive 1:
8GB, Windows 98 SE
Drive 2:
10GB, Mandriva Linux 2005 LE (nice!)
Powerbook 100:
2Mb Ram
40Mb scsi HD
16Mhz Processor with 16Mhz bus
external 1.44 Mb superdrive
8 bit sound
and all running on OS 7.5.5
That is old school dude! Any chance you would sell it soon?
You're right, timmyishot DOES appear to like causing trouble.
Since when can 13 year olds afford $2000 worth of upgrades to a computer they couldn't afford anyway?
Just another thought.
Timmyishot... feel free to explain exactly *how* you manage to own such a computer, but beware my wrath if you turn it into an argument.
Takes an old computer to show the difference between XP and 2k, but 2000 is several orders of magnitude more efficient than Microsoft's Windows Extra Bloat Edition, so I'd assume 2k is much better for gaming.
Actually, the computer was from my dads work. The had a power surge and it was "fried". The cuda reset fixed it and I added the PCI cards from my dads old Blue and White G3 that was laying around in the garage. The monitor was a gift.
And the $500 cpu upgrade fell off the back of a truck?
added 3 x 18GB SCSI HD's and raided them for a total of 18GB x 60MB's on the card
it's dang fast too!
I will be using those drives for video editing. (which i like to do in my spare time.) i also threw a temp OS of 2k on a 2GB Jaz (seems to be having some problems though) I will throw on Win98SE on another jaz that i am getting from tibookx. I might upgrade the ram to 512 soon.
NIce thing about it. Encodes 720x360 MPEG 4/Divx/3ivx at 47fps!! I could not have asked for a better machine to do my raw number crunching on
my dad got me this as a gift :
gonna "borrow" (qoute unqoute ^_^) an LCD from my dad's workplace today and try it out.
I will be using this quite a bit in my spare time
3Dlabs Wildcat Realizm 200 512MB GDDR3 AGP 8X Video Card with Dual DVI
Sadly, it works on a PC only
i dont do gaming much, but this will help with my hobby and video rendering
Why do you care so much?
It just annoys me when I get the feeling someone is trying to look superior to everyone else by boasting about having something they couldn't feasibly own, and then when someone equals it, they magically "upgrade it" all of a sudden.
I might just be imagining things, but maybe not.
Same here. But I did get the upgrade card before I had the Quick'. Before, it was in my dads Dig Audio G4. He had no need for it so we traded. I got the good end of the deal. But everything else was either on the computer when I got it or took parts from other computers.
What do you expect from some teenie bopper :rolleyes:
Rememer: I built and "Owned" my first computer at the age of 5. (no lie. My brother was 8 and i learned along with him.) the computers we built (my brother and i [note]individually[/note]) were about $1,300 in those days to build.
I still get some pretty remarkable stuff like the above mentioned video card. Hell, i dont even think i can use a video card like that to it's extent. My dad just picked up on what my hobbies are. The thing costs more than the system i have it running on. The Video card is ~ 2 grand.
The system it is running on cost me a total of $400 to build (mainly b/c most of it uses off the shelf parts and stuff that either i "dumpster dived" for or was given to me in a computer that was useless and i pulled the good stuff off of it.)
He could have a dad like i have that just gives him some stuff to "play" with. I learned a lot b/c of that. Maybe Timmy will learn by the stuff he is given. So i'll bet he actually has that stuff
The first Computer that i personally paid for in full was a PB 170. And that was about 400 used. loved the thing. and i cut grass for it. If he is enthusiastic about it enough, yeah he could own it. And when i bought the PB, i was the only kid in class that actually "owned" his/her own computer.
I wasnt refering too you
I refering to a different person posting here who acts like a teenie bopper. Not all teenagers have to act that way. I didnt mean any offense towards you 
when i was his age, acted as a teeny bopper. I turned out ok (sorta) he just needs the right... shall we say, encouragement to get him out of that.
I'm trying to figure out what my most tricked out rig is, but I can't remember what is slower out of my VIC-20, Osborne 1 or Pegasus
The Commodore 16 is actually slightly faster than the SX-64? Who would've thought.... What's more, the ZX-81 is faster than both of them put together!
This is an interesting perspective from which to examine the "MHz Myth"
Where would my Plus/4 fit in?
NO no no no no. Tennie boopers are not the group I fit into. I spend my ENTIRE lunch in one of the computer labs, working one of the computers when the tech guy is not there. I know more than you think but not near as much as others. And now can we get back to gloating about our awesome computers?
While I agree with gloating about our awesome computers, I'd prefer us to gloat about the awesome computers that we actually own or have owned.
It highly depends on the game you're running. I have never had a problem running any game on Windows 2000. You should update to the latest DirectX and video card drivers.
The Czar
Today now i have a a Dual 2.7GHz Powermacintosh G5 with a Nvidia graphics card supported Two 30 inch Cinema Displays and Four Gigabits of Ram.
Mt PowerMac is better than all of Your Computers!!1
If you don't have the software to back it up than no, you don't. But if you do then I will just go hide in the corner with my "outdated" G4.
To even understand the basics of computer use, one must at least have the level of intelligence required to see and recognize such blatant sarcasm?
Have a sense of humor guy!
Can I have my milk and cookies now?
Stop picking on the younger kids, kids.
I do have a sense of humour, it's just a little twisted.
I find this whole thread funny now.
Disco Inferno, this thred was fine until you asked "Since when can a 13 year old afford $2000 worth of upgrades?" My parents are ritch and get more cash than you think. I have $5000 in my bank account so drop it. This thread was made to talk about your "Most Tricked out rig" not to pick on the "kids". Don't bother talking about me anymore and get to you "Most Tricked out rigs".
Ok, if you've got allll that money in your bank account, then why are you "saving" for a mini? With that kind of money you could just go buy you a G5 tower and the goodies to go with it, then you actually would have quite the tricked out rig....
(edit) only question in this thread just got asked above while I was typing.
This thread's like a train wreck...horrible to watch, but you just can't turn away.
Sigh...I really didn't want to get involved in this. If what you're saying is true,'re a rich brat. If you're making things up to look cool, then you're just a lame kid. Either way, I don't really care for your attitude. Isn't it time this thread got locked?
I agree.. I'd rather not get banned for saying something even further out of line however the topic was good while it lasted and when it didn't steer off track.
I never said it was all for computers. And your ending message is incorrent. My birthday was a couple of days ago and I got some extra cash and also I sold off my B & W G3. I'm finished with this stupid argument! This is stupid, so be "the bigger man (or woman)" and end this stupid quarrel. As long as we can show off, help people with their mods then this site can no longer be a place to argue and a mod show-all site again.
This is no argument. Someone is firing back at everyone and making it LOOK like an argument, but what started this off was my light-hearted post about 13 year olds and expensive computers. And uh... I was right, timmyishot can't afford it, he just has it. Fair enough, it's all good.
As for the "I'm rich" thing... You know what I'd say, if I were to say anything. But we all know what causes someone to start throwing around statements about how rich their parents are.
I think I broke this thread- sorry everyone, but if you take a step back and look at it... I did accomplish something.
(Sigh...needed to edit this)
You need to calm down. He just asked a simple question and you had to make a big deal out of it. I havent been here long but I have noticed that almost every forum you post on, you cause trouble. Get your facts straight and come back when you do so.
Timmyishot, alias BIGG4BOB, has been banned.
(The IP addresses are identical and BIGG4BOB's email address is "timmyishot@___")
Hah! Clever to the end.
Well, there's the IRON CHEF:
40962kb ram
3 hard disks (totalling nearly 10240Mb)
ATI TV-wonder Pro tv tuner card.
I use that machine to transfer and digitize and serve video files, as well as watch TV.
Total Cost: $5 (for the tuner card)
900MHz PPC G3*
dual USB
40 Gig Hard drive
256Meg Ram
Adobe Photoshop, Preimere, Final Cut Pro, and iLife
Aldus Scanmaker Scanner (for scanning my photos)
Total Cost: $0 (graduation present)
(* It's currently in the shop to replace the logic board- does this mean it becomes a G4?)
and Finally:
Mac SE/30
Stock Mac SE my neighbors were throwing out
SE/30 Motherboard
128Mb ram
256Mb hard disk in two partitions (Daphne and Morpheus)
Radioshack Midi Keyboard and Apple Midi adaptor
Gravis Mac Mousestick II Joystick
10Mbps ethernet card, and matching gateway switch.
System 7.5.3
The ethernet card has a passthrough connector on it- can I attach an '040 upgrade card in it?
Total cost: Priceless
Ok, I've posted this in the hardware mods section before but;
A g3 AIO
firewire\usb 2.0 pci
sometimes a 10\100 ethernet card,
sometimes 2 seperate cards for firewire and usb 2.0
32meg ati video card
60 gig hd
768 megs ram
dwl 122 for wireless
and the kicker...
I replaced the internal CRT with an LCD that I dissasembled fit into the front panel
The LCD is powered by the AIO's PSU, sound+mic both work, I almost died making this
(cut a high voltage line and forgot to disconnect the power going to the analog board...ionized air smells a lot better than ionized hand did...think Palpatine...)
For some reason with Xpostfacto it seems to run faster than my g3 700 ibook
I'm currently searching for a newer MoBo that would fit in a beige formfactor (or at least in the case)
G3 AIO: trade for stuff from a $5.00 pile in my old shop
LCD: bought from a junkie...~$50.
Cards + Wireless: Traded for work but less than $40 total
Combo Drive: $50
Hard Disk: around $30
Time: ~10 hours (plus the time it took me to realize that there was nothing wrong with Xpostfacto, just crappy 10.3 disks.
So total:
Counting my hours @1/2 normal rate (home repair+work exchange)
Counting time spent explaining to my wife why it's ok that my arm sparked and I didn't stop shaking for an hour and had to rescedule an appointment to finish the project
15x$60=$900 (my wife's average rate as a designer...we both work from home)
$2270 spent or wasted for this box.
One of the goals of the project was a more in depth understanding of older mac hardware
and it really sucked me into the mac world. I now feel comfortable offering mac consulting as part of my business model.
Another goal was to keep the sound of the AIO running, as it has 3 headphone ports, amazingly clear and loud speakers and two microphone options. It was supposed to be my living room toy, but I just got this ibook for super cheap so I've been using that instead. (Ibooks are a lot more portable)
Last goal was to make sure that all parts put in this box would make good sense if put in another box, all parts (save the dwl-122) were dropped in used from many pc's. None needed drivers. I'll be also setting it up so that it can be used as a spare monitor (need to rig up a switch and a gender changer)
It appears we have no contenders!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!!!
I'm the king of pointless mods?
I have the most tricked out POS out there???...I'd be happy to hand over my crown if only one of you would post your rig...if you DARE!!!
Seriously, this thread had potential to be one of the most interesting on AF, but got a little off topic. Perhaps we could start it back on the subject?
Submitted for your consideration some well-loved and long used oldies:
1) PowerBook 540C - 167MHz 603e, 40MB RAM, 30GB harddrive, rev. C cardcage, orinoco wifi card, MacOS 9.1
2) PowerMac 9500/120 - 450MHz G3 CPU, 1.5GB RAM, 1 x 9GB 10K UW Atlas HDs, 1 x 9GB UW Barracuda, 2 x 4GB scsi narrow HDs, 1 x 2GB narrow scsi HD, 32X Plextor CD-ROM, MacOS 9.2.2 and OS 10.2.x; PCI cards - FW, 10/100 enet, USB, Radeon Mac Edition, 3DFX Voodoo 5 5500, ATTO UW PSC.
dan k
My most tricked out rig is a work in progress. I have two Quadra 950s (one is actually in a case for a WGS with a dead mobo). The two cases will be tacked together and the WGS body will be used as an attached outboard case. Here are the specs:
onboard unit
outboard unit
This is to be attached after a pass-through has been cut in the cases and the units are pop-riveted together
I am toying with the idea of picking up an actual WGS, but would most likely not be able to support the extra cards if I did.
I will finish it all off with a nice paint job. While this is a work in progress, I have all of these parts on hand and am working on this as I find time around the wife, kids, job and house move.
When this work is complete, this will be my most tricked out rig, and I venture to say the most tricked out Quadra 950 ever.
Maybe $150 or so, tried to trade where I could.
Again, the post for the drive bracket is waiting to go up - pdf is too big right now. More on the rest as I complete the work...
Have not figured that out yet, I just have abunch of parts that can plug together, so I shall... the parts are telling me to do it. Build it and a reason will come...
Had more money than sense when I started this, but the parts are still telling me to build...
Ok, time to post my newest rig
LCII case
PowerCenter Board
120mhz 604 processor (waiting to discover or purchase a 800 mhz G4 upgrade.
80mb of ram (it will hold more, but I put in the largest low profile dimms I could.
The PowerCenter board uses an ATX PS, I am waiting to find/buy one that will fit in the tiny case. Right now it looks like a hot rod. The processor sticks out a hole in the top of the case, with a 5? inch fan blowing on it. The huge hunk of metal which is the processor heatsink make the computer look like a hot rod.
This sounds interesting-->Please take a picture.