LCD Monitor acting up

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Last seen: 19 years 10 months ago
Joined: May 9 2005 - 17:13
Posts: 8
LCD Monitor acting up

OK so I posted the other day about my newly acquired B&W G3 that I was having trouble starting up. Replaced the PRAM battery and everything seems OK. Now the KDS flat screen LCD monitor that came with it is acting crazy!

It scrolls a flickering screen like V-hold on a TV gone really bad and has black lines throughout. The screen is unreadable. It does this randomly and seem to settle down after it is on for a few minutes. It does this whether attached to the powermac or not, so it must be the monitor itself. Works fine otherwise aside from there being black horizontal lines on the left side of the screen occasionaly that flicker.

I am hoping there is a simple answer to what this is.


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Last seen: 11 hours 49 min ago
Joined: Dec 19 2003 - 17:34
Posts: 1762
Is the video cable detachable

Is the video cable detachable? Try using a different VGA cable with it. Even if the cable isn't attached at the other end, a messed-up cable could send some goofy signals to the monitor, giving you the result you're getting now.

Last seen: 19 years 10 months ago
Joined: May 9 2005 - 17:13
Posts: 8
Unfortunately it is not, unle

Unfortunately it is not, unless it can be removed once the cover is off. I'll check it out.

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