Confused about Powermac G4 MLB ID

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Confused about Powermac G4 MLB ID

At TCF I picked up a G4 MLB . . .

dankephoto's picture
Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
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Posts: 1899
and . . .

while I'm pretty sure it's a GigE MLB, it says "10/100 ETHERNET" next to the ethernet port.

It has the ADC connector behind the AGP slot, and the PS connector is different than that in my Sawtooth. The processor connector is up front like the Sawtooth's, and it's got 3 PCI slots.

So why the heck doesn't it say 10/100/1000 by the enet port?!? :?

Oh yeah, and how can I power up this board to test it? I haven't checked my QS's PS connector to see if it's the same, but as I mentioned the Sawtooth PS ain't the same.

dan k

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G4 mobo pics

They're small, but they should be big enough for you to be able to figure out just which mobo you have:

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Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
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Posts: 1899
Actually, I AM sure it's a GigE MLB . . .

I'm just confused as to why the printing next to the enet port says "10/100". Hmmmmmmmm . . .

Anyway, so how do I power up this puppy with the hardware I've got laying about? My Sawtooth PS doesn't seem like a good candidate, it's short a couple of pins. I do have some ATX power supplies, can I use one of those?

dan k

Last seen: 3 years 2 months ago
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Where is the CPU connector? I

Where is the CPU connector? If it is next to the AGP clot then it is a Digital Audio or Quick Silver. If it is near the second ATA connector then it is a GigE.

The power connector on a GigE and Digital audio use a 22 pin molex connector.
The Sawtooth uses a 20 pin molex connector.
The Quick Silver uses a 22 pin and a 4 pin molex connector IIRC.

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Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 1899

From the service manual I see the main difference between GigE/DA and QS is the trickle current at 28v in the earlier machines vs. 25v in the QS. Plus, pin 9 is N.C. on the GigE/DA PS (25v on QS.) Is the 3v difference between series significant?

Using my QS's PS, would disconnecting pin 9 temporarily get me going? I just need to see if this board is worth anything, if it ain't already dead. I'd hate to kill it though if it's not, even though it cost me only a couple of $$.

dan k

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