I got a real job... I know... It is amazing. Not retail, not minimum wage slave labor, and no cubicles! woohoo!
If I can keep this job fairly steady for 2.5 months (it is contract so no idea how long it could last) then I can afford to go to Europe with my boyfriend in July!!!! he is going for the entire month. So, I've only been looking for jobs where that is an option... and this place is totally fine with that because they do contracts on a project to project basis... so I could miss and project and still get another contract for the next one.
Yay freedom!
And, if it's not prying, what might you be doing? I'm looking for a tech job somewhere, but being not 16 (june 25 is when I get to do REAL work) is a bit of a hindrance. I'll probably end up working at a crappy minimum wage supermarket or something, but idealy I'd be at an Apple retailer/fixer-upper. Anyways, congrats and good luck on the job!
The day after tomorrow is the third day of the rest of your life.
I'm just about ready to send you that care package.
Dr. Bob
. . . but taking a month off after only 2.5 months work . . . that's not a JOB . . . THAT is a POSITION!
good luck!
Perpetrator of the 68kMLA's text format impaired: Peripherals Links Project(tm)
. . . and LinksProjectClassic(tm)
well yeah... It is only a contract job. They'll only need me on a project by project basis. So, they don't mind me taking that month off (they'll just hire a different contractor for that time if they need work done). Also, 2 of the bosses will be gone that month too, so they say it is fine.
woohoo! Thanks a ton. I'll have to put something nice together for you for a house-warming care package after you move.
Let me know when you send it.
- Alison
hoorah!!! good for you