PowerBook logic board swap

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TheUltimateMacUser's picture
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PowerBook logic board swap

Would it be possible to put the logic board from a PowerBoog G3 Pismo into a PowerBook G3 Lombard? The idea being to take advantage of the 500mhz processor (as apposed to the 400 in the Lombard) and have built in firewire (as apposed to SCSI, which the Lombard shipped with).

TheUltimateMacUser's picture
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OOPS, no, scratch that. Would it be possible to put a Pismo logic board into a Lombard and use the 400MHz processor that shipped with the lombard. The idea being to add AirPort and FireWire to my Lombard. I see that the Pismo shipped with eather a 400 or 500Mhz processor, so im thinking that this should work.

moosemanmoo's picture
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I don't think this would work

I don't think this would work, but I don't have anything to test, just a hunch.

TheUltimateMacUser's picture
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No offence, but...

No offence, but i hope your wrong. I'd really like to be able to pull this hack off!

Jules's picture
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Why bother?

Why? You'll need to get a Pismo for a donor anyway (since you can never find mobos for them anywhere) and if you get a Pismo why not just transfer your stuff to the pismo which would have a faster processor in it anyway (not to mention graphics card). Just move to the new machine.

TheUltimateMacUser's picture
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Why? Why you ask!?

A. finding a doner, no prob: i found a working Pismo logic board on eBay for a good deal.

B. In response to everything else:
1. It seems like an origional idea
2. it would be a freakin cool hack!
3. if it will work, it will be cheaper than replacing my Lombard (which works, except for a blown network chipset thingey, which prevents my ethernet port from working)
4. It would be a freakin cool hack!
5. It would replace my SCSI port (which i rarely use anymore), with firewire
6. It woud add support for Apple AirPort wireless networking!
7. It would be a freakin cool hack! (i think i mentioned that tho... Smile )

Plus, it would lfinally complete the Lombards transformation into a video editing computer that i can use on the road.

TheUltimateMacUser's picture
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I've found:

Ok, i found spec sheets for both the Lombard and the Pismo, The 400 Mhz Lombard and the 400 Mhz Pismo have the same specs except for the following:

Pismo system bus speed: 100 Mhz
Lombard system bus speed: 66 Mhz

It also says that the Lombard had anIDE hard drive, and the Pismo had an Ultra ATA/66 hard drive, arent these the same standards? I mean, a notebook drive is a notebook drive, right?

So, here is my question, if i take the processor daughtercard from my Lombard, and use it on the Pismo logic board, which i install in my Lombard, with Lombard components (processor daughtercard, HD, modem, etc...), will it work? Or is the system bus speed being different enough to keep this hack from ever seeing daylight?

catmistake's picture
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I have one...

Wanted one for a hack... found and got one no prob, cheap, too... then realized I really wanted an eMac mobo... so it sits in its anti-static packaging (any one make an offer... its yours).

now... I want a mini

TheUltimateMacUser's picture
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You've got one what? If it's

You've got one what? If it's a Lombard logic board I'll definatily take it (depending on price, i am a poor college student, ya kno' ), If it's a Pismo logic board, i'll take it if i can be sure this hack will work.

So, that being said, watcha got? If it's a Pismo, does it include the cabling and antenna for an AirPort card? (i realise the AirPort card itself would not be included).

Also, can someone give me a definate answer on my origional question, please(?), the eBay sale on this Pismo logic board closes later today.

herrhanz's picture
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logic board swap

The connector between the logic board and the processor card are not the same for the lombard and the pismo, so it isn't possible to swap processors or logic boards between those two models.


TheUltimateMacUser's picture
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darn, ok. well, if anyone is interested, i think the ebay auction is s till open for this Pismo board, i'll post the item number when i get home (which will be in about an hour from now).

TheUltimateMacUser's picture
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The Item Number Is


Note to the mods: this is not my sale, im not advertising it, im just posting this for the benefit of anyonw who may want this, as i fell it fits the topic of this thread.

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