OKI, so here is the deal. I shipped off my iBook and when it returned, I had and Apple engineer repair CD (as cool as it is, I am having a problem with it.) I talked with Apple over the phone, and their comments was "Break it and throw it away"
Because I like to tinker with stuff, I really don't want to... And this is where I need help...
You guys can be my consciences. If there are more "break it and throw it away" than "Keep it and tinker with it!" It will be broken and the pics of the CD being chopped up, will be posted on the site. And, no I will not send the CD to anyone.
So, please help me!!!
After Two days, the decision will be made. (that will be Thursday, Feb. 3 2005)
well i would make a copy of it (for safe keeping) and do what you want with the originall. basically, i say tinker away!
Copy it, then break and throw away the copy, you have broken and thrown away a copy of it then, havn't you!
I'd say to keep it. If they wanted you return it that would be one thing, but they are telling you to "break it and throw it away." They don't want you to play with it, but they don't care enough to demand its return. They screwed up. Enjoy the CD!
I can turn on and off the white LED on the front of the computer with a single click. That is so cool!!
You said that as cool as it is, you were having problems with it. What kinds of problems are you having?
My conscience is pulling me both ways and I don't think either of the ways are winning. That is why I need someone who is not stuck in my situation to be the tie-breaker
Well, I know how you feel to some extent. I have almost all of the original Apple Rhapsody CD's and they are just sitting around. I sometimes tinker with the idea of selling them or giving them away. I saw just one of them on eBay once and it sold for over a $100.00 USD. I have six of them. Now, I haven't signed an NDA for these things as I was not a member of the ADC, but the person that gave them to me is. I'd feel wrong putting them into circulation.
That said, I don't feel at all bad for owning them. I've tinkered with them, and gotten some enjoyment out of it. I'd suggest you do the same. Keep us updated on what you decide to do, and what else you can do with that CD.
Sorry about the quality as I do not know how to take Pics. of glossy CD's
Mind you that the CD I got was a burned copy.

What does it say on it?
I don't see an issue here. You got the CD by accident, and as long as you don't pass the CD or copies of it to anyone else, you're doing no harm to anyone, including Apple.
If anything, it's closer to being a legal problem than an ethical one.
Consider it a free gift as compensation for your computer problems.
ENG 085-A
As many times as it has been in (7 different times) on different things. I guess I could consider it.
(Note: These will be the last of the Pictures going up about this topic)
Thanks for sharing those pics! Very cool stuff.
You received the CD as a result of Apple's stupidity and then Apple refused to take responsibility for that mistake. Apple had a reasonable expectation that the CD could be used or even distributed unless they asked that you return it. They didn't. This isn't an ethical question because there is no inherent dilemma. If Apple asked for the return of the CD and you asked if it would be okay to copy it, that would be an ethical question. They trashed it, you found it -- more or less. It's yours.
is Apple's set of hardware and software test utilities. Apple provides this and other service tools to its own service staff, as well as to its authorized service providers under an NDA. Apple does not provide its service tools to the public and has strict contractual rules prohibiting any public release. Those rules apply only to those who sign their NDA.
The physical CD-R which was left in your drive is technically Apple's property, so you are ethically obligated to return, or destroy it as they requested. However, you haven't signed an Apple NDA, so you have no ethical reason to not make a copy for your own and others' amusement.
It does seem weird to make a copy of a copy, and then destroy the first copy. Since a copy is a copy is a copy, there's some common sense in just keeping this copy as the copy of the copy you would keep anyway. Techs leave CDs in drives pretty regularly, when they need another MTP CD they just grab the appropriate disk image and burn one.
If it makes any difference, this and other non-public Apple utilities are pretty widely available, as are Apple's similarly non-public service manuals.
dan k
Keep the disk, but do not sell it, nor should you post open access to the contents on a server somewhere.
I got one of thse when my ibook g3 came back from repair a while ago. the disc is mainly os9 apps that test the ram and hard drive and display, all things that can be done command line in open firmware but this way someone making 5.15 an hour an do it themselves even tho quite a few of the apple techs don't know what any of the results mean.
I can relate to the techs always leaving the diagnostic and repair CDs in the drives. I leave the tech CD in a customer's CD drive about 1/3 of the time (much to the dismay of everyone else).
Which is probably why the Apple tech used a copy
IMHO you should just keep it, really how is Apple going to know? As long as you don't redistribute it and don't kill your Mac with it then its not their problem really.
Keep the dang thing and make a copy of it and post it to slashdot.org.
Who really cares? Its a "copied" cd anyway even if it was from apple.
Its not like having that cd fall into the wrong hands is going to cause massive stock loss to apple or anything.
I just find the fact that you are even considering destroying someone else's mishap, rather funny. You aren't doing anything wrong. I bet tons of those end up in peoples laptops by accident.
Oh well, do as you please but I say keep it.
We always use copies and burn a new set every 2 weeks or so to have new virus definitions and spyware databases (fixing pcs is a major pain), but almost every day someone demands to know where the 'Stuff' CD is..
I say, make a nice disk image, and post it on some newsgroup, so everyone can tinker...
It became Thursday about 47 min. ago. and the overwhelming majority is that I should keep it. So, I will keep it. Thanks guys for helping me make my decision. I find it funny that even though I said that I will not give it to anybody, You say "post it up!!" However, I will not do it as I do not want to have happen to me, what happened to the mac secrets site. (I hope he gets off easy. [and everyone else])
Again, thx.
BTW: if anyone has another copy, feel free to distribute it as it will not involve me in it :-]
I am willing to send out the cd to everyone that sends me a PM. You will have to have gmail to recieve it (it is about 29MB compressed) If you don't have one, I have 50 to give out.... So Come and get it!!
As gmail has a restriction as to the file sizes allowed through the system per email. I will only be sending the actual program itself. Sorry guys!! If you email me and want a physical copy of the disc, write me at pledoux@gmail.com, and we will work out a way that you will send me a Blank CD-r and postage to have it shipped back.