I have about 6 7000 series macs, a Quadra 950, 5200cd, some macintosh keyboards (original mac) and some other macs and stuff. Free if you pay shipping, please email me at mickreed at freeshell dot org.
These have processors, some ram ( I will put in as much as I have) but may not have hard drives ( I have only a few 2 gig drives) I want some pb 500 or duo stuff, I will pay part or all of the shipping if you have trades. I would even trade for a PC laptop with card slots. Thanks!
What is your location, if close to North-East Florida, we could swap-meet.
I'm in Oregon.
Um...I'm still interested!!!!PLEASE,PLEASE REPLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :?
what kind of pb 500 stuff do you want? are you looking for units to canabalize, or do you want one in working condition?
Hello. I am looking for a working 68K compact mac, preferably a mac se/30, but would consider others. Do you have any? Please list them with descriptions. Thanks.
I am sorry to report that after consulting with my wife, she decided
that a Mac would be a great incentive / reward for the kids. So it
won't be for a few months at least before I can I can buy one.
Please look for an alternative buyer.
I am sorry to report that after consulting with my wife, she decided
that a Mac would be a great incentive / reward for the kids. So it
won't be for a few months at least before I can I can buy one.
Sorry to say, all these Macs are no longer available. I lost my job and left all that there.
I have been away from the computer for quite a few months.