Is it possible?
I've a folder full of a TON of MP3 files that are under 4KB and
that'd fit nice & snugly on a 1.44MB floppy.
Problem is that the method to play them thus far is "Windows Media Player".
Is there a way I can take these As-Far-As-Memory-Space-Goes-Playable-On-A-Macintosh
songs & listen to 'em on an SE/30 ?
Thank You In Advance!
I think that only one (if any) MP3 playing software runs on a 68k mac, and the one that does requires a 68040 with FPU to do so. The only way to realistically do it is to make the files AIFFs and play those, with the only caveat being space.
there is an MP3 player, and it should work on the se/30 i can't, however, remember it's name, but I have used it on my PowerBook 520 (unupgraded) to play Mp3's
aladds > You ROCK!!

That's ok!
how much data can a mp3 which is less than 4kb contain?
KREST > I am an IH - DEE - OT!!!!
In the song listings, it'll have the name of the song
& it's memory amount.
Here's an example > "Sisters Of The Moon" 4,418 KB
I mistakely thought that that meant
"Four thousand, Four hundred & Eighteen KB"
I am sorry.

All you need know is a remote control... (aside from a method to get the bigger files on the SE30)...
I saw an up - down ADB remote on eBay a while back, it used IR and came with presentation software, but I guess it just emulated up/down arrow keys.
Unfortunatly, i do not remember what it was called....