The Gabezing Room has moved or is no more -- all links get me nowhere. The Gabezing Room is the only place, however, that's been referred to as having instructions for overclocking the LC575. Can anyone provide an active link with good instructions, or can someone post instructions? I really want to try this mod!
It seems to me that all you would have to do is replace the bus oscillator with one that vibrates faster.
Jag's House has the information.
Plus a tip for overclockers of old Macs (I'm sure most of you know this...this is for the few who don't): Overclocking was often referred to as Clock Chipping among the Mac community, and a Google search for that term may turn up more older Mac sites than Overclocking will. :macos:
Thanks for the tip -- Jag's House seems to be what I'm looking for. For what it's worth, Schrier's site sends a person to the Gabezing Room.
That _is_ bad news. There was a great diagram on there about using an alternative oscilator on a 575 l/b. Please get all compact Mac fans checking for archived copies of it. I wonder about Google's cache? Or where is that 'wwwcache' site?
Thanks for tracking down that Gabezing reference. FYI, when I linked to it, it was the identical innformation provided by Jag's Room. Gotta love the Web -- if you need to know, the information is almost always few mouseclicks away..