I have a copy of Wizardry both in 5.25" floppy form as well as a CFFA disk image. While I can run the game fine from the 5.25" drive, I can't get the images to run after the logo screen from the CFFA, or write one to 3.5" disk and run it using that drive. Does anybody have advice?
Which one of these disk images here are you trying to run on your CFFA3000:
https://mirrors.apple2.org.za/ftp.apple.asimov.net/images/games/rpg/wizardry/ ?
Keep in mind that some remove the write protect check, while others don't.
Peter Ferrie has also converted (and cleanly cracked) Wizardry 1-3 to ProDOS on 800k images.
@nick3092 or anyone else...
what's the meaning of "san inc pack" which can be read in the file names of nearly every package at the above link from nick3092 ?
Torsten (Berlin, Germany)
"san inc" and "qkumba" are "stage names" used by Peter Ferrie, for releasing "clean" cracks of copy-protected software (i.e. ones with minimal changes to the cracked program, no defacement of the title-screen, etc.) and conversions of DOS 3.3 games to work on ProDOS.
Ah... okay... just found this
Peter Ferrie
("qkumba" on HackZApple, Pouet, CSA2, Slack, and Discord)
("peterferrie" on OpenRCE, DOSBox, Reddit, and GitHub)
("peter ferrie" on MAME Dev, Tuts4You, StackExchange, Bannister, and CFFA)
("san inc." on Asimov)
Source: http://pferrie.epizy.com/?i=1
so these names are used as "pseudonym" by him. Got it.
Others have mentioned the ProDOS ports and clean cracks for Wizardry, but there is a method to get (un-copy protected) DOS 3.3 disk contents ontop a bootable 3.5" disk, and that is with the utility AMDOS.
Bonus points for archive.org being put back online, finally!
There is another program out there that allows you to put DOS 3.3 5.25 disks on 3.5 disks. It's called DOS Master and was created by Glen Bredon.
You can find the program and documentation here: https://mirrors.apple2.org.za/ftp.apple.asimov.net/images/disk_utils/dos.master/
DOS master also works on ProDOS partitions up to 32MB!
Thanks to all who replied. The utility to convert from 5.25" to 3.5" were what I was looking for, but the craacked Wizardry was even more useful for my particular purpose. Now if I can just figure out how to write from a .do file to a 3.5" disk, all will be great.
Use ADTPro. You'll need a USB-to-Serial cable and a serial cable and Super Serial Card if you have a slotted II or just use the serial port on a IIc or IIGS.
ADTPro also works via the cassette ports, although many have had issues getting it to work just right - a stereo-to-mono "aux" cord is a must for this.
All the pertinent information is here: