How to replace the keyboard

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How to replace the keyboard

I ask for advice from anyone who can help me.I am exasperated with the constant problems with my Apple IIe keyboard and would like to replace it.I saw the costs of the original keyboards and I also gave up so as not to repeat the problems in the future.All I need is a perfectly compatible keyboard to install in the space provided.Is there something already ready or some tutorial?


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Last seen: 1 day 1 hour ago
Joined: Aug 9 2022 - 00:48
Posts: 1221
There isn't a drop-in

There isn't a drop-in replacement keyboard that you can just buy new. The best you can do is keyboard from another Apple IIe or identifying and replacing individual problematic keys. The first step is determining the type keys the keyboard uses, since there is more than one type. If you are not sure, just remove a couple of keycaps and post some pictures of the stems here.


In my experience it is best to simply fix them. My Apple IIe had several keys that I initially tough were dead, but it turns out all they needed was some isopropyl alcohol and some contact spray, combined with fast circular presses and releases. I even fixed a borken stem of the left Shift key by supergluing it back together, since all the pieces were still inside the key. Then I exchanged it with the least used <~/`> key just for good measure.

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Reactivemicro sells

Reactivemicro sells replacement Apple II and PLUS keyboards.

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Last seen: 1 day 1 hour ago
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They do sell keyboard

They do sell keyboard replicas for II/II+, but the author is asking about Apple IIe keyboards. As far as I am aware no one is making those at this point.

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CVT wrote:They do sell
CVT wrote:

They do sell keyboard replicas for II/II+, but the author is asking about Apple IIe keyboards. As far as I am aware no one is making those at this point.

Maceffects make a replacement keyboard.

But sadly, their production is sold out.

Perhaps they'll produce more in the near future.



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Last seen: 1 day 1 hour ago
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Posts: 1221
Nice! Here is a small

Nice! Here is a small unboxing/installation video:

The only issue I see is the Reset button being normal height, but from what I could tell the stems are actually on the keycaps, so the Reset one can be easily reduced in length.

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Last seen: 2 weeks 9 hours ago
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Posts: 68
MX Blue Cherry keys

I consider the best solution to replace the keyboard with a new one.Unfortunately, buying in Europe from the USA or the UK is now unthinkable: the initial cost is double due to the VAT, customs duties and transport.I thought that some Chinese company had already thought about this market by creating caps, Apple IIe clones, for the MX Blue Cherry keys.

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Last seen: 1 day 1 hour ago
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Posts: 1221
These guys are based in

These guys are based in Canada, so there are no customs fees under CETA. There will be VAT, but you pay VAT for absolutely everything (including when ordering from China) and if you live in the EU you should be used to it by now. 

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