Negative news and positive news. Burglarized, but . . .

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Negative news and positive news. Burglarized, but . . .

I have negative personal news: I was burglarized last night, while working an extra long shift. They broke the front window of my second story apartment (the only window that is easily accessible), came in and lightly ransacked the place.

The positive news: they didn't take/get anything. My neighbor heard the noise, and called the cops. The cops seem to think that they were searching for cash and/or a safe, neither of which I keep at home (well . . . several rolls of coins, mostly pennies.)

I always joked that I never keep anything worth stealing, and aparently that's the case. Amazingly, they didn't try to haul away my +20 Apple //e's and //c+'s. Poor dumb bastards. Some people just don't recognize value.

The stereo was largely unmolested (they took the cover off of the front of one of the speakers:cash/stash search?), and my two year TiPowerBook was still in it's protective carrying case, tossed on the floor (no damage, I'm using it now.)

Well I'm off to the hardware store to replace the glass, then I'll head into work and use my bosses' shop to make a custom set of bars (I'm thinking of incorporating supports for planter boxes.) I probably should have installed some bars on the window when I moved in, but that was about eight years ago, and this is the first real trouble that I've had.

That's my venting, thanks for your interest.

coius's picture
Last seen: 10 years 12 months ago
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Posts: 1975
sorry to hear that.

when someone broke into my van, they broke the driver's side window. they never got anything except about 30 cents. They left their hammer though that they used to break into the car. So I came out with a 200 dollar repair bill and a FREE Hammer. My day was looking up after the I got to keep the hammer.
BTW: if I find the bastards who broke into my car, they would be doing jobs around my house until they pay off 5x the amount of damage they caused

Dr. Webster's picture
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Re: sorry to hear that.

BTW: if I find the bastards who broke into my car, they would be doing jobs around my house until they pay off 5x the amount of damage they caused

I'd just give them their hammer back, if you know what I mean.

coius's picture
Last seen: 10 years 12 months ago
Joined: Aug 25 2004 - 13:56
Posts: 1975
[quote]I’d just give them t

I’d just give them their hammer back, if you know what I mean.

lol. I'll keep that in mind!
I never bothered to phone the police because there is nothin that they could do about it.
i.e. no witnesses, etc..
did i mention that they left a leather glove?

Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
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. . .well they did get an Apple ][ item. . .

Since the initial post I discovered that the theives got away with an Apple //c carrying case containing;

-a 1 megapixel Sony Mavica FD83 (FD183?) camera
-a small box (from a long defunct San Diego computer store) of 3.5" floppies (the camera used them)
-all of the camera accesories and instructions, plus an extra battery and a macro lens
-my music collection in a CD binder (backup/play copies fortunately.)

If they pawn the camera, I'd be suprised if they get more than $25.

Last seen: 11 years 12 months ago
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Posts: 38
Try thei next time

engrave your identity into anything valuable ( I dont do that because it gets sold).
What I do is have a protective seal on teh inside of the computer, much like a warrenty seal,

Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
Joined: Dec 19 2003 - 18:53
Posts: 906
engraving versus serial number recording

Thanks for the idea.

Hmm. I understand the purpose of engraving a name on an item, and not doing so for the purposes of resale. Most valuable items have serial numbers. I'm now keeping (a more complete) database of my valuables including their serial numbers. Keeping an actual inventory of most of my stuff (that I would want to replace in case of theft, fire, or other loss), is probably a positive action to take as well.

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