Hi all,
I've got a beige G3 (366mhz) running Mac OSX 10.3.5.
It hangs on the 1st "Apple screen" (the one with the grey background, apple logo and the swirly bit and the bottom).
The swirly bit stops swirling and dosnt go any further.
I've tried resetting my PRAM but it still dosnt boot.
Any Ideas?
It could be the ram.. Try to take the ROM card out and put it back in again. The same problem happened to me, and as far as I can tell, it's due to a slow motherboard failure somehow.
Are you overclocking this Beige? How aggressively?
I've ended up with that exact scenario with far too of an aggressive clock. I'd expound, but my beige is undergoing a bit of an alteration hardware-wise which I'll hopefully be able to expound on later... which'll also give some tips on the Beige and OS X maladies.
If you are overclocking it, open the box, set it for the ZIF's 'standard' clock, reset the PMU (little button next to the outside PCI slot) for about 2 minutes, and reboot.
If that doesn't do it, OSX install may need some repair, boot single-user and follow the instructions for a good fsck (no pun intended.)
Hopefully I can come back later to offer some additional advice.
-- Macinjosh
I should say I was messing about with Xpostfacto and switched on L2 Cache, and now it wont boot
Still bobbing in and out while GBs of HD backups fly across networks...
1) Try booting in Safe Mode (with the Shift key down)
2) Will it boot in 9? Zap the PRAM and try it, then use XPostFacto to un-set the cache settings, and tell it to boot OS X's drive/partition (hopefully, it'll write the config that way.)
You could also uninstall XPostFacto from the OS X drive/partition, do the configuration, and then immediately re-install it to the right drive/partition, but I'd try the above first, as this of course is going to make the drive even 'less' bootable should things go amiss.
-- Macinjosh
EDIT: For clarity's sake. I was partitioning whilst writing it, and I ended up implying to partition, instead of saying "boot classic, uninstall xpostfacto from the osx install, configure it properly (de-enable the cache option,) and re-install it."
XpostFacto has a known issue in Panther with enabling the L2 cache. Try disabling it if you can get back into classic. Holding down the option key and inserting a Mac OS 9 CD should do the trick.
...and my CD appears to be OS9 for the imac, which I dont have anymore, and I dont know where my OSX Cd is
I boot off the OS9 CD, run xpostfacto but changing the setting has no effect, and it still freezes on the swirly bit at bootup.
Oh well, I'm hopefully getting an iBook in January, i'll use my PC till then
Thanks all for the help!
I used an iMac DV os 9 install to boot a Pismo Laptop and install from. I also used an iMac Blueberry 8.5 to install that onto a PowerComputing Powerbase Clone. Give it a shot.
Good luck