
All members are invited to blog on Applefritter. Weblogs should generally be of a technical nature and should be written in such a way as to still be readable and useful 50 years from now. Please do not embed outside media. Images and videos can be uploaded via the Media Browser. Files should either be attached to the blog post or uploaded to the file libraries.

When you post to your blog it will appear on this index and on your personal blog page. Once you've made a few posts, contact me about having a graphic added on the top of this page.

Apple's new products from "Peek Performance" - My thoughts

Honestly, I haven't tuned in until the Mac Studio got announced. However, I would like to share my thoughts on the new products.



I have recreated the manual for the Mockingboard sound card, it is a PDF, recreated means it's totally new not a scan, if there is any interest in this I can upload it here.


#Apple2 #FujiNet bring-up status report 2022-01-22

Hello, everyone. 

As some of you know, I'm the public face of the #FujiNet project, which is a wireless network adapter that originally was designed for the #Atari8bit systems, and is being brought forward to more systems, including the #Apple2, with the goal of reaching every 8-bit computer and game console by the end of the decade.

It provides:


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