Apple and Sirius Satalite Radio to join forces?

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Apple and Sirius Satalite Radio to join forces?

anyone know anything about this?

Reverend Darkness's picture
Last seen: 8 years 9 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 502
I haven't heard a thing....

... and I have... uh... aquaintences in radio.

I'm not saying that I know everything that's going on... just a lot of it. I have contacts that work for Infinity, Cumulus, Susquehana, and Blackburn. Most of them are low level pee-ons, but some of them are well-known on-air talent.

So far, none of them has heard about Apple and Sirius teaming up...

... but that don't mean it ain't gonna happen...

If you have details (or rumours), post here, PM me, or email me...

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