HELP - How do I CREATE DSK Image files?

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HELP - How do I CREATE DSK Image files?


I have a Mac 575 with Apple iie Card. It works great. I can read, run,
play all my Apple iie disks/games.

I want to run Apple iie Emulation on my PC or iBook. I have both.

I can easily and HAVE downloaded several different Emulators/Roms and they
works great. I have found all the disks for like AppleWorks, Dazzel Draw,

I have OTHER Disks, and Games that I made years ago...

I want to CREATE Disk Images of them, to then run in emulation on my PC and


I don't know what program to use to make Image Files ON an Apple iie Card
on my LC 575 Mac.

If anyone can direct me to a website or type it out clearly, that would be
very cool.

Again, I know HOW to make "disks" FROM these Image files on the net... but
I can't seem to find out HOW to make IMAGES F R O M My Disks....


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Try this.

Hmm, try this. I can tell you how I do it on a IIgs. What you need is a program (by Ninjaforce, I believe) called 'Azimov'. It makes real disks out of .dsk files, as well as create the image files themselves. However, while it is a 'dos' type program, I think it may require OS 6 and a IIgs, but I don't know for sure. Download it and try it out. If it doesn't work, you could always mail me a copy of the stuff and i could make the .dsk files for you. It only takes a few seconds a disk. The world could always do with a few more Apple II programs Smile

Last seen: 17 years 1 month ago
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Hey thanks for the link, but

Hey thanks for the link, but I already saw it. Its not the answer. I need a floppy disk for apple iie that wil run on apple iie that I can use to MAKE new DSK images of my existing apple iie data disk, so I can move them all to emulation. I know on the net there are thousands of apps IN image format... so someone had to make them. HOW did they... HOW can I. Anyone know?

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Have you gone through the inf

Have you gone through the info on the CSA2 list FAQ? Are you looking for a program to do this, or a .DSK image with the program on it? It seems you are looking for the latter.

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Need Progam FOR Apple II

I most surely need the PROGRAM that MAKES Images. I do not need images of stuff that's easy to find and download. I need a Program and or the disk that I put into my Apple II than runs on Apple II and that I can you to have IT make and create NEW Image DSK files from my hundreds of apple II disks that THEN I can run in emulation.

My point being, that, SOMEONE.. SOMEHOW made all the images that are out there now... HOW??

Cause I want to do that... MAKE Images.

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Here's how you do it. . .

(I actually typed this into a similar discussion on the Apple II forumn a couple weeks ago)

Here's the solution!
Submitted by mutant_pie on December 14, 2005 - 9:11pm.
This is what I, and the original poster have been looking for;

It is a program that can convert between the common file formats for Apple II emulators and compression schemes, on an Apple II (8-bit)! Share and enjoy!


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WOW.... TY TY TY !!

WOW.... TY TY TY !!

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DRAT, that last one only make

DRAT, that last one only makes DISKS not Images... I have the disks,... I need to make IMAGES.

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bump.. I'm interested also


I'm interested also

Last seen: 10 years 3 months ago
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If you have a //GS used gs sh

If you have a //GS used gs shrinkit to make a diskimage of the disk send it to your PC via proterm or a similar program. Use Ciderpress to convert the shrunkit diskimage to a dsk.
Or if on a //e used the prodos shrinkit instead of the //gs shrinkit.
Qouted from the Ciderpress page "Convert the contents of a ShrinkIt file archive directly to a ProDOS disk image, and vice-versa."

This also may help you:

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.po = .dsk

By using Ciderpress, how do you convert .PO files to .DSK? I am trying to get disk images to download to IIe.

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just fyi most .dsk are .po im

just fyi most .dsk are .po images renamed to .dsk..

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Hi Rachel, Just read throu

Hi Rachel,

Just read through your inquiry, and im also interested in getting my apple // software transfered to my pc emulator. Ive located a usenet that describes various ways of doing the transfer (ie:Apple // to PC) one sure way that they have described is by connecting your Apple// directly to your PC by using a NULL modem cable, and then using a telecommunication program on your apple // and also on your PC and then you can get all your programs transfered that way. Then after you have transferred your programs to the PC convert them to image. I havent tried them myself simplying because i would need to get my apple // to my place. Reading through the usenet, it sounds like the most flak free way of transfering your apple programs. The NULL modem cable is connected to the apple // serial port and the other end is connected to your PC serial port. Hope that helps you and anyone else that is in the same boat.

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Make 'em yourself - or pay someone to do it for you

You can easily create .DSK images with an Apple serial card, ADT (, and a null modem cable. Lots of details are in the Apple ][ FAQ here:

If you don't want to bother with it yourself, you can pay someone to do it for you...

* In the interest of full disclosure - retrofloppy is my own little business venture. Promised the wife I'd make all my ancient hardware do some useful work... lest she throw it out. Wink

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Re: HELP - How do I CREATE DSK Image files?

I can't seem to find out HOW to make IMAGES F R O M My Disks....

Adding a hint for posterity (updating in 2013)... a program named Asimov can build a .DSK (or .PO or .2MG) of any device in your system. Take a look here:

Asimov will need a (local) place to write the image, so it can get tricky if you don't have a mass storage device.

ADTPro will also image any disk in the system, provided you have a means of communication to a remote system. It will store the image on the connected computer:

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