Has anybody taken apart the new 17" powerbook yet? There's 2 small coaxial wires coming out of the display to the base unit for bluetooth and airport. One is grey and the other is black. They are the same length and have the same connector.
Problem is, which one goes to the airport card and which one goes to the bluetoooh?
The gray wire goes toward the front and the black toward the back, viewed from the top and front of the 'Book. The combo BT/wifi card has its main connector at the right and facing up, the antenna cables plug in at the left.
I dunno if that helps at all . . . not sure what yer up to . . . curious though . . .
dan k
Well, on my 12" PB G4, and the 15" AlBook I used at my old job, the AirPort antenna is grey. The Bluetooth module isn't easily accessed on the newer G4 PB's (unlike the AP Extreme card, which resides near the battery compartment), so I couldn't tell you for sure what color lead connects to it.
I'm trying to attach a display assembly fromt he new 17" powerbook to the previous gen base that I have with a broken screen. I already know it works, but the last gen had a real short wire for bluetooth and a long wire with a barrel junction for airport. Since I need to cut the connector off and solder a new one on, I really need to be sure I'm cutting the right wire.
By a miracle stroke of luck, while flying home from visiting my folks, the guy seated next to me was an old coworker of mine from Apple who still works in the prototype repair lab. He taught me how to take the display apart and swap the cables, which I will attempt to do this weekend.
That is quite lucky. That also sounds like a very tantilizing job!
That is the kind of conversation I'd wish for on plane flights. Usually I get the snore-your-ear-offs or life-story-stretched-to-fill-2hrs if I try to talk to any body. Being still in the labs, did he fill you in on any other good info (not really looking for rumors, but more "here's a cool hack we had to do to the Model X to get it working")
My first job at apple was working in that lab. I only lasted 10 months before bailing to another department because that job was so sucky.
I don't really care about such things, so I didn't ask. Mostly we talked about all the people we knew that were fired under dubious circumstances.