Last week the monitor on my laptop went black. Not all at ounce though. I seemed to start in one ares then spread. Though it did change when I would rest my hand on different areas of either the key board or the palm rest. I had taken it apart to get to the inverter board then cleaned and reset the connection to its ribbon. The screen still has a picture in some small areas which I find strange. I had it hooked up to a maonitor and everything was fine. I don't know if I should replace the inverter board or the display. Maybe someone here can shed some light on why my monitor is black.
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Have you tried reseting the pram by holding command-option-p-r? Also, you might try reseting the open firmware by holding down command-option-o-f then typing reset-nvram and then reset-nvram. One last thing to try, try holding down the r key. Best of luck to ya!
possible bad lcd cable from lcd to motherboard. i have the same powerbook and has a similair issue.
if it is a bad lcd cable but how I don't know how to test or if I can just replace it and not the whole monitor. I don't like to replace parts as a way of finding out if its this or that because it gets expensive. I think that it is the problem because earlier I had to boot it in to firewire mode to copy files off and the screen showed a large orange streak down the monitor and for a few seconds it faintly showed the firewire screen saver on the screen before it went completely black.
well mine did and is having the same issues. i have figured out it was the screen cable and ordered a new cable plus plastic backing peices.