Seiko Datagraph: serial cable to Apple //c

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Seiko Datagraph: serial cable to Apple //c
PDF icon RS 232c connector.pdf62.22 KB

Can someone help me in figuring out how to change the cable that came with the Seiko Datagraph UC-2301 for connection to the Apple //c serial modem port ?

1. concerning the connection cable from the UC-2301 to a serial Apple //c connector. Am I correct to suppose that only four of the five pins of this connector should be used ? In fact in the same manner as on Mr. Rothe's RS 232 pc scheme, but to the classic Apple //c Din type serial connector.
- Ring to Pin 2 (TD),
- Base to Pin 3 (GND)
- Tip to Pin 5 (DSR) or Pin 1 (DTR)?, and to Pin 4 (RD)
2. In Mr. Rothe's serial pc solution a transistor was inserted: in order for the PC serial port to understand the signal, it needed to be inverted. The transistor does that. Should that be also the case for the Apple //c Serial port ?
See for both points the scheme enclosed as pdf-file.
3. How can you adjust the contrast of the watch. This possibility is documented in the manual but apparently not on the the ProDos disks that came with the watch .
4. In the same way how can you make the software switch between game and modem port for the //c, since it isn't on the disks either.
5. Is there someone who has the original Apple // Dos disks, that have those posibilities?

Thank you for your reply.

Kind regards

:? Mark Coppey