G3 DIMM Usage

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Last seen: 11 years 1 day ago
Joined: Aug 25 2004 - 13:56
Posts: 1975
G3 DIMM Usage

G'day!, Here goes:

I recently have gotten a G3 AIO Beige machine. I have gotten a 10/100Mbps NetGear Ethernet 100BaseT Card in it as well as a USB 5-port 2.0 Card in it (luckily it leaves one slot open). Anyway, I put a 256MB DIMM into it (PC-133) and it only sees 128MBs of it. Is there some limit on the Beige G3's that it can only see a 1-sided Ram module. I pulled this module out of an iMac DV 400 and it work's perfectly, c'ept it only sees 256MB. At least it sees the other 2x 128's and makes it 384MBs, But I was hoping it would see the other 128 and make it 512. Shoot, I woulda loved having a lot more memory in it.
Anyone got any Ideas as to how to get the other 128 to be recognized?

coius's picture
Last seen: 11 years 1 day ago
Joined: Aug 25 2004 - 13:56
Posts: 1975

Thank-you reklus for telling me that the ram is probably too dense. I will just see if I can find a better use for the ram. I seem to be reminded of a friend who has 2x 128MB Low-density and PC-100 ram. I should give him a call and see if he would like to do a trade on the ram. I know that his board will handle the 256.
and as a correction, I have a:
Slot A: 64MB Dimm
Slot B: 128MB Dimm
Slot C: 256MB Dimm

Seeing as I have only a 64MB dimm in the slot a, it only comes to 320MBs. Hmm, I will go talk to my friend about the trade.

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