Xircom Wireless LAN Module for Palm Handhelds (PWE1130)
I can't find any good information about this discontinued and unsupported wifi cradle.
Does anyone know if this will work with a Palm Vx?
Does anyone know if there are ANY wifi options for a Palm Vx?
and any device which works with one of those ain't gonna work with a Vx. Sadly, the only way to get a Vx connected is a serial device. wifi serial anyone?
Really, if you can get ahold of one of these xircom devices you might as well fork out $20 to $40 for an M500.
dan k
Thanks for responding...
But I guess there's no point in doing that... when I could get a T5 for less than 3 times the price.
For ~$60 ebay-bucks I got me a second M500 and a one of these jobbies. Even after playing with it, I have yet to see the value in a networked Palm. Cool nonetheless.
dan k
my whole plan was to run vnc on it, virtually having the os x desktop on a wireless, handheld unit...
PalmVNC 2.0 looks interesting . . . just gotta install the VNC server on sumpin' to give it a go!
dan k
Apple's Remote Desktop client (which is really a server, and Apple's Remote Desktop Application is really a client) is built into Tiger now.
Under Preferences/Sharing/Apple Remote Desktop/Access Priviledges
you can specify to allow vnc clients to connect, and specify a password for it (which is recommended since VNC passwords are sent non-secure, don't want to use your root p/w here!).
There is a way to use ssh tunneling, I bet, to have a secure VNC session... but I know not how it is done.