Apple IIc, a couple Power Macs, Color Classic stuff, PB160, LC475, lot of books & manuals. All eBay.

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Last seen: 15 years 7 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 136
Apple IIc, a couple Power Macs, Color Classic stuff, PB160, LC475, lot of books & manuals. All eBay.

I hope a prior "sale" of mine didn't leave a bad taste in anyone's mouth... I was attempting to get rid of a whole slew of stuff here over a year ago, but I just couldn't get around to organizing it and prepping it and everything else... my apologies to anyone who had their eyes set on stuff back then.

Things have since changed drastically for me, but as a result, it has given me time to sit and think on a lot of things and reflect on a few aspects of my life... including what part all these mac/apple things have in the grand scheme of things. I've, unfortunately, already gotten rid of much more than half of the stuff I once had. That was the first phase of my "change"... what remains is the stuff I've put up on eBay in the past day or two. I'm sorry the auctions are rather vague, but I just need to get rid of this stuff... I'm at the point where, if it doesn't sell, I'm just going to be throwing it out. I've held onto some of this stuff for quite a long time, and there's just no reason for me to keep it any longer. (The only thing I've thrown out so far that I actually REGRET was a gutted Performa 550 or 580 whose analog board I was going to use in my Color Classic).

I'm not gonna sit and list every individual item I've got, I'm just going to provide a link to everything I've got listed on eBay right now, and those of you who are interested can thumb through them (you'll see some other non-mac stuff as well)

AG-Wolf's picture
Last seen: 15 years 7 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 136

whatever, though it's not that hard to copy and paste a link Blum 3

Also: ONCE THESE AUCTIONS END, THE ITEMS ARE BEING THROWN AWAY. It pains me to do it, but I can't keep them any longer. This is the ONLY CHANCE that anyone will have to get them before they're gone.

AG-Wolf's picture
Last seen: 15 years 7 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 136

Shipping information for about half the items has been added; it took me a while to pack a lot of the stuff, and I still have other things to pack too.

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