"Macintosh Unveiling" Demo Floppy

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CaryMG's picture
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"Macintosh Unveiling" Demo Floppy


I was watching the "Macintosh Unvieling Video" today.
Somewhere in the middle of it, Steve pulls out a floppy, inserts it into the Macintosh & a demo runs.

Does anyone have or know where ta *get this demo?
I think it'd make a nice keepsake.

If ya *have it or know where ta *get it, *please email me > cary@easy.com

Smile Smile Smile

Krest's picture
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Andy Hertzfeld and a few othe

Andy Hertzfeld and a few others wrote this the night before the keynote. I don't think it was ever published.

moosemanmoo's picture
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Oh, but what a great find it

Oh, but what a great find it would be if someone actually found it!

Tiger G5 Kid's picture
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Something tells me that Steve

Something tells me that Steve Jobs keeps it mounted on a frame on his wall, sort of as a holy grail kinda thing. After all, without that demo, what are the chances that Apple would grow to be this big?

...'s picture
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Here's the story about the demo disk:


CaryMG's picture
Last seen: 11 years 10 months ago
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I Know -- Still ....

Andy Hertzfeld and a few others wrote this the night before the keynote. I don't think it was ever published.

But I mean, it's *gotta be floating around out there *somewhere ....

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Something tells me that Steve Jobs keeps it mounted on a frame on his wall, sort of as a holy grail kinda thing. After all, without that demo, what are the chances that Apple would grow to be this big?

That's a tough call; Apple came to prominence as a result of the successful Apple II series of computers. Apple, in some respects, is no longer the goliath it once was.

You used to be big, you had the Apple II. What happened?

I am big, it's the Apple II that got small

ha ha ha



CaryMG's picture
Last seen: 11 years 10 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 161
Mystery Solved !



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