I just downloaded Hotline Server 1.8.5 from the Internet and I'm having a great deal of difficulty in getting it to operate. The server software is configured properly and it boots just fine. Users can connect to the site just fine.
The problem:
Users can't upload or download files.
Okay, let me clarify this, the user accounts are configured properly. All users that have permission to upload and download files have their respective permissions set.
The problem appears to be with the router. The server is behind a router on IP address and the port is set at the Hotline default of 5500. Port forwarding on the router is enabled and I'm also running a web server on port 80 with no problems.
Here's the thing: The router forwards Hotline requests to port 5500 at IP just fine. Users can connect, view file directories, participare in chat, post messages, etc., they just can't upload or download files.
If I connect to the server via the LAN, without going through the router, everything works perfectly. If I connect through the router, everything but file up/downloads works perfectly.
I'm stumped... Any help would be greatly appreciated.
In your case, on your router open port 5501.
dan k
Much obliged, sir. I closed VPnP port forwarding on 5500 and opened a port forwarding range from 5500 to 5501 and that cured what ailed.
Just out of curiousity, why does Hotline server require two ports?
As you discovered, the second port is used for file transfer, the first port for everything else. Sorry, I dunno exactly why file transfer merits its own port. Dealing solely with file transfer, maybe it's more efficient?
dan k