Rhapsody DP2 on PowerBook 3400c

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Rhapsody DP2 on PowerBook 3400c

I got my hand on quite a bunch of Developer CDs. From 1994 to 1999. And among thos were the Rhapsody CDs. Developer Release 1 and 2, even the version vor PC Compatibles. Anyways, I tried to install DP2 on my PowerBook 3400c. It's not mentioned in the list of supported Macs, but I tried anyway. It worked fine so far, but after finishing the intallation it rebooted and booted off the CD again and did the whole installation all over again. I tried to remove the CD, but it won't boot at all without it. Too bad. Gonna try on a 8500 or 9500 again... I'll keep you informed.
Here are some Pictures of my try (looking interesing anyway):










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I've had a slight urge to play with Rhapsody for quite some time now. Unfortunately, I've never made any attempt to satisfy the urge nor have I made any attempt to procure Rhapsody Install Media.

I do recall having seen a version of Rhapsody on a Hotline server some time ago, but this particular server is having problems with their ISP and are no longer offering any files at all.

That being said, does anyone know where I could procure Rhapsody Install Media?

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What jumped out at me was the little spinning beach ball, made famous(but not loved) by Mac OS 10.0 and 10.1. Nice.

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Re: Rhapsody DP2 on PowerBook 3400c

It worked fine so far, but after finishing the intallation it rebooted and booted off the CD again and did the whole installation all over again. I tried to remove the CD, but it won't boot at all without it.

You need to partition the drive before installing to have 2 partitios, one for OS8.5 (iirc) and the other for Rhapsody, then after install you boot 8.5 and use the BootX Extension or an app I forget the name of to boot into Rhapsody.

I have only played with Mac OS X Server 1.0 (Rhapsody 5.4) on my 7500 with 604 and it's very cool to use, like the classic macos to look at, but with all the cool BSD bits from OSX and 8.5/8.6 in the bluebox (classic environment that takes up the whole screen).

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