As blasphemous as this sounds, *is there an emulator that'll let me use PC-DOS stuff on a "System 6" Macintosh computer?
Thanks In Advance!
As blasphemous as this sounds, *is there an emulator that'll let me use PC-DOS stuff on a "System 6" Macintosh computer?
Thanks In Advance!
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Given the power of any Mac that can run Sys 6... not very likely.
Which Mac are you wanting to run PC emulation on? I, personally, would not even dare to try PC emulation on anything less than a full-blown 68040 processor (with FPU). A 68030, even with accompanying 68882, would do a really lousy job of emulating even a usable 8086 or even an 8088.
I'd be looking at System 7.1 minimal on at least a 68lc040 running at no less than 25MHz for even "hack value" results.
I have run an early version of VirtualPC on a 33MHz 68lc040 based LC575 with very slow but patiently usable results.
theres somthing called SoftPC. I think it works in system 6. It's definatly out of print, put that sounds like what you need. It's old software made around the time of system 6 to run dos on a mac.
maybe google it
yes, but it probly be as slow as Virtual PC for mac is. If it was... it'd suck out loud!
...and it is System 6 compatible, and it is slow. In fact, it can only emulate a 286, and a slow one at that. For a while, I had it on my 540c, running Windows 3.0. It was akin to watching glaciers move... okay, not that bad perhaps. But it's PC speed is more reminiscent of an IBM XT at 8 mHz without a math coprocessor.
I'd copy the disks and send them to you, but they have a very tight copy protection scheme on Disk 1, one that I have not been able to crack. Of course, that is if even have the disks anymore. It does pop up on eBay from time to time, though.
Good luck.
I would never condone software piracy, but SoftPC is no longer available commercially. I would be willing to bet that you'd have no trouble finding SoftPC on one of the several Hotline servers dedicated to providing abandonware to 68K Mac users.
As a matter of fact, I'm almost certain that you will find it on a Hotline server.
*Opens up the tome of 1989*
SoftPC needs at least 2MB of RAM and a 68020 processor, but that's all. It emulates a PC/XT in monochrome/CGA mode.
There was also another solution that actually used a physical PC hooked up to the Macintosh with a system of dongles and cards, and it was caled MacChuck. Good luck finding everything you need for that.
Insignia made a version that ran on 68000 Macs shortly afterwards. It is available on some of the Hotline servers. Slow? How quickly does your treacle run?
The device is a Dayna MacCharlie. I own one and like it, hence my username. Fast? Well you can run a web server on one...
"SoftPC" ....... *Got it !
Fritterians come through yet *again !

If you have a Mac with Nubus slots, you could keep an eye out for one of the OrangePC or Apple DOS cards with a real hardware x86 CPU on it.