AIO - Jaguar Trouble

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Joined: Sep 19 2004 - 20:55
Posts: 150
AIO - Jaguar Trouble

I was given a AIO 233 that was disguarded the local high school. I put in a slightly biger HD (5gig). I also put in a Hiatachi (sp?) DVD. I went to install Jag off a dvd, and finally got it to install. After restarting, The firmware gave feed back: nohfspartion. Changed jumpersettings on the drives, and then it gave me : CAN'T OPEN.

Here are the specs

Rev II board
233 mhz
384mb RAM
5 gig hd

Do I need to update the firmware?

Last seen: 1 min 48 sec ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 594
There is no firmware update f

There is no firmware update for the beige G3. I suspect your DVD might be machine specific. Many OS disks that came with say an iMac would install on other Macs but the resultant OS wouldn't run. You may need a commercially sold disk that was made for all supported Macs.
Still I'd try reinstalling it in case something just went wrong with the installation.
If that didn't work, then I'd try XPostFacto. A few people have mentioned that XPostFacto let them succeddfully run 10.2 on a beige G3 that had previously just refused to run it.


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