voice password instead of normal os password?

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Last seen: 18 years 8 months ago
Joined: Jul 5 2005 - 20:58
Posts: 151
voice password instead of normal os password?

I seem to remember in the early os's that you could choose to use your voice as a password instead of typing the password. Does anyone know of a program like this for os x?


Last seen: 18 years 10 months ago
Joined: Jan 22 2005 - 20:20
Posts: 595
Ummm, yeah.

seem to remember in the early os's that you could choose to use your voice as a password instead of typing the password. Does anyone know of a program like this for os x?

That's right. Mac OS 9 allows you to login to your computer using either a typed or spoken password. Did Apple eliminate this from OS X? If so, there's bundled software that ships with OS X that allows you to use voice passwords. It is called: Mac OS 9. Blum 3

Last seen: 18 years 8 months ago
Joined: Jul 5 2005 - 20:58
Posts: 151
yes, but how are you supossed

yes, but how are you supossed to use os 9 voice password as say the screen saver password prompt?

Last seen: 18 years 10 months ago
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Posts: 595
Re: yes, but how are you supossed

yes, but how are you supossed to use os 9 voice password as say the screen saver password prompt?

To be perfectly honest, I really don't know much about voice recognition on the Macintosh. I very briefly played with speakable items on an iMac, but other than that, I'm in the dark.

I'm sure somebody here must have dabbled with voice somewhere along the line and can offer some insight... Anyone?

Last seen: 18 years 3 months ago
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Here's some insight:

Voice recognition *sucks*, you certainly wouldn't want to lock yourself out of your Mac just because the demented software can't tell who's speaking or what they're saying.

Last seen: 18 years 8 months ago
Joined: Jul 5 2005 - 20:58
Posts: 151
I am not worried about that b

I am not worried about that because i set the root password and keep it active all the time so if i locked myself oujt it would be easy enough to reset my password.

Last seen: 18 years 10 months ago
Joined: Jan 22 2005 - 20:20
Posts: 595
Are you the guy?

beige g3 266, in custom plexi glass case.

Are you the guy that built that really cool plexi-glass Mac with the balsa wood air ducts? Let me see if I can find a picture...

Okay, I found it. I guess it was an iMac mod...


...and not a beige G3 mod.

Anyway, got any pics of your plexi-glass beige G3 that you'd like to share?

Last seen: 18 years 8 months ago
Joined: Jul 5 2005 - 20:58
Posts: 151
sorry thats not mine, and no

sorry thats not mine, and no the camera is on the fritz.

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