Macintosh Logic Boards

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Last seen: 19 years 1 week ago
Joined: Jan 22 2005 - 20:20
Posts: 595
Macintosh Logic Boards

I have the following Macintosh Logic Boards for sale:

- Macintosh 512
- Macintosh Classic II
- Macintosh Color Classic
- Power Macintosh 7100/66 (includes ROM, no cache)
- PowerBook 145
- PowerBook 150

I have the following PowerBook parts for sale:

- PowerBook 5x0 Series nameplates (Brand new)
- PowerBook floppy drives
- PowerBook 120MB SCSI hard drive
- PowerBook AC power supplies
- Other stuff

I have the following Macintosh networking items for sale:

- AsanteTalk Localtalk-to-Ethernet bridge
- AsantePrint Localtalk-to-Ethernet bridge
- Various lengths of LocalTalk cable (i.e. not RJ11 cable)
- Various LocalTalk PhoneNet connectors
- Apple AAUI Ethernet Transceivers
- Asante Comm Slot Ethernet cards
- Asante PDS Slot Ethernet cards
- Farallon Etherwave Ethernet card (two RJ45 ports)

I have the following miscelaneous Macintosh things for sale:

- Apple SCSI loopback tester
- Various Apple Internal cables
- Huge assortment of 30-pin simms
- Various Macintosh ROM simms
- Power Macintosh PCI adapter
- Apple Service Source CDROMs
- Apple Batteries
- Power Actuators (Brand New)

And much, much more...

Last seen: 19 years 1 week ago
Joined: Jan 22 2005 - 20:20
Posts: 595
Apple Software For Sale

I have the following Apple CDROMs for sale:

- iMac Software Install CD (SSW v. 9.0.4)
- Power Macintosh 7200 Install CD (SSW v. 7.5.2)
- Power Macintosh 5260 Install CD (SSW v. 7.5.3)
- Apple Service Source CDs (03/95, 10/96, 12/96)

And much, much more...

Last seen: 19 years 1 week ago
Joined: Jan 22 2005 - 20:20
Posts: 595
Apple Literature For Sale

I have the following Macintosh literature for sale:

- Inside Macintosh Volumes I, II, and III
- Inside The Apple Macintosh

I'm also clearing out my Mac Format CD collection. If you would like to buy any or all of these CD ROMs to complete your collection or start your very own collection, please do not hesitate to email me with offers.

Last seen: 19 years 1 week ago
Joined: Jan 22 2005 - 20:20
Posts: 595
More Macintosh Stuff For Sale

I have also have the following Macintosh stuff for sale:

- Pioneer External 12x SCSI CDROM drive
- Power Macintosh 7100 Power Supply
- Internal Floppy Drives
- Various Apple Internal SCSI CDROM drives (2x & 4x)
- Various CDROM Bevels for various Macintosh computers
- Guided Tour Of MacWrite-MacPaint Audio Cassette

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