Hello -
Please post any bugs that you're having with Applefritter in this thread. Do not reply other than to post a bug, or to give additional information about the bug.
Hello -
Please post any bugs that you're having with Applefritter in this thread. Do not reply other than to post a bug, or to give additional information about the bug.
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The search function doesn't seem to be working properly. I can't find old threads that I know used to be available.
Yes. Search results in 2 SQL errors at the top of the screen, and only returns usernames. Also, sigs aren't working quite right yet, as well as most tags not working. The old applefritter isn't working, and the mod/hacks images aren't working at all.
we are having the session issues again. Once the browser is closed, it logs me out of AF
Check out my site
BBcode isn't working, neither are signatures... or is that a "feature"
EDIT: neither are smilies
Session cookies are FUBAR again.
The default drupal favicon is also being displayed for me against instead of the customer AF one.
Fixed. It'd only be a feature if we just stripped off all BBcode.
ok. went to "recent posts", then read through your "bug reports" post. when i was trying to get back to the "recent posts" site by hitting the back button in my safari browser, i was finally directed to the macquarium page that was online during the applefritter "regeneration"...
is that just MY browser? or are you experiencing the same?
EDIT: by the way, thanks a lot for the good work you were doing on the af pages! must have been a hard challenge!
I'm inclined to believe that's your browser. Try clearing your cache. The MQ page isn't in the web server root at all.
Under Safari it's just clicking the "Safari" menu, then "Empty Cache".
Should be fixed now. You'll have to login one more time to set the cookie correctly.
...yes, you were right! it could have come into my mind a bit earlier...
This still isn't working for me. I made sure to clear my 'fritter cookies before testing this as well. Two different machines, two different browsers.
I have been trying to upload an image and it says "Errror processing image" every time.
Same for me.
Same here.
when using the search field in the upper right corner, i get the following message:
user error: Unknown column 's.lno' in 'field list'
query: SELECT s.lno AS lno, c.nid AS nid, c.subject AS title, c.timestamp AS created, u.uid AS uid, u.name AS name, s.count AS count FROM search_index s, comments c INNER JOIN users u ON c.uid = u.uid INNER JOIN node_access na ON (na.nid = 0 OR na.nid = c.nid) WHERE na.grant_view = 1 AND CONCAT(na.realm, na.gid) IN ('all0') AND s.lno = c.cid AND s.type = 'comment' AND c.status = 0 AND s.word like 'os' in /usr/local/www/data/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 125.
user error: Unknown column 's.lno' in 'field list'
query: SELECT DISTINCT s.lno as lno, n.title as title, n.created as created, u.uid as uid, u.name as name, s.count as count FROM search_index s, node n INNER JOIN node_access na ON (na.nid = 0 OR na.nid = n.nid) INNER JOIN users u ON n.uid = u.uid WHERE s.lno = n.nid AND s.type = 'node' AND s.word like 'server' AND n.status = 1 AND na.grant_view = 1 AND CONCAT(na.realm, na.gid) IN ('all0') in /usr/local/www/data/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 125.... and so on.
i get 2 errors for every search term and it always points to line 125 in the sql database. below, the search screen appears but only finds users, but no nodes or posts regarding the search term...
regards, chris
Don't know if it's just my usage of piece-of-crap Tiger, but I can't upload an avatar. Some error about the directory not existing/being writable etc.
Bug in AF or just me?
I keep getting logged out when firefox exits or when my computer sleeps.
BDub - you're awesome...
Ok, you should only have to login one more time now.
Works for me. Thanks!
this isn't working for me in firefox(linux)...
Oddly, it is now working intermittenly. Is the cookie set to expire too soon?
I have to log in every time I visit with IE 6 under Win XP Pro SP2.
...it still isn't working for me! Safari 1.3, OS X 10.3.
Still not working for me either.
I think it was a problem with which domain and path the cookie were assigned to.
It's entirely possible that I've got it this time. Or not. I'm ready to beat it with a switch if I don't.
Shakes head.
Ok, if you logout another time, please post. I had the sessions table set to cleanup after 1/2 hour of inactivity. It didn't matter how long the cookie stayed on your system, the server wouldn't recognize it as valid past 1/2 hour.
It seems to be working ok now, but I've been wrong before!
Yep same here! Thanks BDub
The "IIfx ROMS" forum thread is extra wide. I don't know about other forums, but I'd assume that it's just an html issue.
Not directly related to the new forums... but since the server outages you can no longer view topics on the old YaBB forums. You just get an error saying:
Where "xxxxxxxxxx" is the topic number you are trying to view.
Also, when trying to update your profile you get the error:
Apart from that everything seems to work fine, except the logo image is missing on every page.
I seem to recall this feature from the previous AF2 incarnation, I can't recall if it was me or what . . . anyway
Using Firefox 1.04 and the page never stops loading, the lil' activity spinner continues apparently forever. The thingybar at the bottom says 'transferring data from pagead2.googlesyndication.com...'
dan k
Works properly for me in Firefox 1.06. Can anybody else reproduce this?
1.06 works properly for me too.
...on many different sites. It seems to be a problem with the way the Google ads load, and seems to be hit and miss as to when it happens or when the page finishes loading.
...BTW it seems to be currently working fine for me in FF 1.06, OS X.
The Google ads just load up in an iframe from their adserver, so if it's getting stuck occasionally, nothing we can do anyhow.
Doh! I should have tried Firefox 1.06 before posting. AF works with v1.06 fine. Thanks folks.
dan k
some news on the search functions? they still don't work, getting the same error messages over and over...
None of the links for Illegal Instruction are working. Gives a "page not found" response. Reader e-mailed me to ask what was up.
Fixed. Sorry for the slowness folks, life is being crazy.
Should be fixed.
...any news?
do you know when email notification of Forum Topic updates is going to be online again?
No time frames yet. The search function is next on my list of priority items, as it's rather useful when it actually works.
Perhaps, it's me.... but have these options been discontinued?
A thousand apologies, I can edit my post's. but I can not preview them .....
Great thanks
Fixed. Just did a couple searches and got both recent and older responses.