powerbook g3 part compatibility
Submitted by peacefrog226 on August 3, 2005 - 1:19am
i know this MUST have been asked before but searching was to no avail.
what parts from the wallstreet, lombard, and pismo are interchangeable? screen? casing? what
thanks alot!
I think the lombard and pismo screens are interchangeble.
G3 powerbook parts
Casing isn't exactly the same between Lombard and Pismo, since (at the least) the Pismo has Firewire and the Lombard doesn't. The keyboards aren't interchangeable. Ram is, though, and so are batteries and expansion bay components like hard and floppy drives, superdrive, CD, zip drive. I don't know about DVD, since only 400MHz Lombards can play DVDs (a motherboard issue, I believe). These may not be the parts you have in mind, but this is all I know about. I'm certain also that the daughter/processor cards are not interchangeable.
None of the above are compatible with a Wallstreet, AFAIK.