Just wanted to give a big "hooray!" for the release of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince! It's release is the reason I am up at 3am US central time typing this post. My "day job" is managing a Boders Books in Nashville, TN, and we hosted a Midnight Magic Party for the release. It was exhausting, but much fun. My store is in a pretty "nouveau riche" part of town, and the customers can typically be a bit needy, but tonight they were a blessing. Everyone was as patient as we could expect them to be while waiting for the books to come out, and then waiting in line with 700 other people to buy their copy. So, a thanks to those customers--cheers! I was pleased with the whole experience, and I now have my copy.
Anyway, thought that I would expound--I tend to do so when I am deprived of sleep, and...I have to be back at work in less than 6 hours! Oh well, no one ever said retail wasn't a challenge!
Thanks for coming along with me on this canoe ride on my stream of consciousness.
My wife misread the date/day of release and had her copy mailed to her work... and expected it to come yesterday until she realized her mistake. She doesn't work Sat. so she drove in this morning to pick it up, instead of having it delivered to her hands as planned. If I was as much of a fan as her, I'd have pointed out her mistake if I paid any attention to what she says about it. Oh well.
(I also fell asleep during the movies, and that is my personal indicator of how good the movie is. I've stayed awake through Pi, fell asleep during Star Trek 10. Telling, isn't it?)
That was a good movie. I really got into it. Nice to know I am not the only into the obscure films like that.
I bought the soundtack.